The Java™ Cryptography Extension (JCE) 1.2 is a standard extension to the Java 2 Software Development Kit (J2SDK), Standard Edition. The JCE implementation on System i™ is compatible with the implementation of Sun Microsystems, Inc. This documentation covers the unique aspects of the System i implementation.
In order to understand this information, you should be familiar with the general documentation for the JCE extensions. See the Sun JCE documentation for more information about JCE extensions.
The IBM® JCE Provider supports the following algorithms:
JDK version | Signature algorithms | Cipher algorithms |
1.3 |
1.4.2 |
JDK version | Message authentication codes (MACs) | Message digests | Key agreement algorithms |
1.3 |
| DiffieHellman |
1.4.2 |
| DiffieHellman |
In addition, IBM JCE Provider also provides a random number generator.
If you want to use IBM JCE with Java 1.3, edit the /QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Java400/jdk/lib/security/ file. The section of the file that needs to be changed is shown as follows.
# # To use the IBMJCE security provider, you need to: # 1) Install an IBM Cryptographic Access Provider Product # 2) Uncomment the third provider entry that follows. # # List of providers and their preference orders: # security.provider.2=com.sun.rsajca.Provider
There is also a IBMJCEFIPS JCE provider. This provider has been validated and found to be compliant with Federal Information Processing standard (FIPS) 140-2, "Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules."
The IBMJCEFIPS JCE provider supports the following algorithms:
Signature algorithms | Cipher algorithms | Message authentication codes | Message digests |
| HmacSHA1 |
The IBMJCEFIPS JCE provider also supports the IBMSecureRandom algorithm for random number generation.
To use IBMJCEFIPS, you will need to add a symbolic link to your extension directory by issuing the following command:
ADDLNK OBJ('/QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Java400/ext/ibmjcefips.jar') NEWLNK(< your extension directory >)
You will also have to add the provider to the list of providers by either adding an entry in the file (for example,, or by using the Security.addProvider() method.
Related concepts
Java security model Java Secure Socket Extension Java Authentication and Authorization Service IBM Java Generic Security Service (JGSS)