SQLAllocEnv - Allocate environment handle
SQLAllocEnv() allocates an environment handle and associated resources.
An application must call this function before SQLAllocConnect() or any other DB2® UDB CLI functions. The henv value is passed in all later function calls that require an environment handle as input.
Function arguments
Table 1. SQLAllocEnv arguments Data type Argument Use Description SQLHENV * phenv Output Pointer to environment handle
There can be only one active environment at any one time per application. Any later call to SQLAllocEnv() returns the existing environment handle.
By default, the first successful call to SQLFreeEnv() releases the resources associated with the handle. This occurs no matter how many times SQLAllocEnv() is successfully called. If the environment attribute SQL_ATTR_ENVHNDL_COUNTER is set to SQL_TRUE, SQLFreeEnv() must be called once for each successful SQLAllocEnv() call before the resources associated with the handle are released.
To ensure that all DB2 UDB CLI resources are kept active, the program that calls SQLAllocEnv() should not stop or leave the stack. Otherwise, the application loses open cursors, statement handles, and other resources it has allocated.
Return codes
If SQL_ERROR is returned and phenv is equal to SQL_NULL_HENV, then SQLError() cannot be called because there is no handle with which to associate additional diagnostic information.
If the return code is SQL_ERROR and the pointer to the environment handle is not equal to SQL_NULL_HENV, then the handle is a restricted handle. This means the handle can only be used in a call to SQLError() to obtain more error information, or to SQLFreeEnv().
Table 2. SQLAllocEnv SQLSTATEs SQLSTATE Description Explanation 58004 System error Unrecoverable system error
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/******************************************************* ** file = basiccon.c ** - demonstrate basic connection to two datasources. ** - error handling ignored for simplicity ** ** Functions used: ** ** SQLAllocConnect SQLDisconnect ** SQLAllocEnv SQLFreeConnect ** SQLConnect SQLFreeEnv ** ** ********************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "sqlcli.h" int connect(SQLHENV henv, SQLHDBC * hdbc); #define MAX_DSN_LENGTH 18 #define MAX_UID_LENGTH 10 #define MAX_PWD_LENGTH 10 #define MAX_CONNECTIONS 5 int main() { SQLHENV henv; SQLHDBC hdbc[MAX_CONNECTIONS]; /* allocate an environment handle */ SQLAllocEnv(&henv); /* Connect to first data source */ connect(henv, &hdbc[0];); /* Connect to second data source */ connect(henv, &hdbc[1];); /********* Start Processing Step *************************/ /* allocate statement handle, execute statement, and so on */ /********* End Processing Step ***************************/ printf("\nDisconnecting .....\n"); SQLFreeConnect(hdbc[0]); /* free first connection handle */ SQLFreeConnect(hdbc[1]); /* free second connection handle */ SQLFreeEnv(henv); /* free environment handle */ return (SQL_SUCCESS); } /******************************************************************** ** connect - Prompt for connect options and connect ** ********************************************************************/ int connect(SQLHENV henv, SQLHDBC * hdbc) { SQLRETURN rc; SQLCHAR server[MAX_DSN_LENGTH + 1], uid[MAX_UID_LENGTH + 1], pwd[MAX_PWD_LENGTH + 1]; SQLCHAR buffer[255]; SQLSMALLINT outlen; printf("Enter Server Name:\n"); gets((char *) server); printf("Enter User Name:\n"); gets((char *) uid); printf("Enter Password Name:\n"); gets((char *) pwd); SQLAllocConnect(henv, hdbc);/* allocate a connection handle */ rc = SQLConnect(*hdbc, server, SQL_NTS, uid, SQL_NTS, pwd, SQL_NTS); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) { printf("Error while connecting to database\n"); return (SQL_ERROR); } else { printf("Successful Connect\n"); return (SQL_SUCCESS); } }
- SQLAllocConnect - Allocate connection handle
- SQLFreeEnv - Free environment handle
- SQLAllocStmt - Allocate a statement handle
Parent topic:
DB2 UDB CLI functions