Example: Initialization and connection in a DB2 UDB CLI application


This example shows how initialization and connection work in a DB2® UDB call level interface (CLI) application.

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** file = basiccon.c **    - demonstrate basic connection to two datasources.
**    - error handling  ignored for simplicity **
**  Functions used: **
**    SQLAllocConnect  SQLDisconnect **    SQLAllocEnv      SQLFreeConnect **    SQLConnect       SQLFreeEnv **
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sqlcli.h"
int connect(SQLHENV henv,
        SQLHDBC * hdbc);
#define MAX_DSN_LENGTH    18
#define MAX_UID_LENGTH    10
#define MAX_PWD_LENGTH    10
int main()
    SQLHENV         henv;
    SQLHDBC         hdbc[MAX_CONNECTIONS];
    /* allocate an environment handle   */
    /* Connect to first data source */
    connect(henv, &hdbc[0];);
    /* Connect to second data source */
    connect(henv, &hdbc[1];);
    /*********   Start Processing Step  *************************/
    /* allocate statement handle, execute statement, and so forth       */
    /*********   End Processing Step  ***************************/
    printf("\nDisconnecting .....\n");
    SQLDisconnect(hdbc[0]);     /* disconnect first connection   */
    SQLDisconnect(hdbc[1]);     /* disconnect second connection  */
    SQLFreeConnect(hdbc[0]);    /* free first connection handle  */
    SQLFreeConnect(hdbc[1]);    /* free second connection handle */
    SQLFreeEnv(henv);           /* free environment handle       */
    return (SQL_SUCCESS);
**   connect - Prompt for connect options and connect              **
int connect(SQLHENV henv,
        SQLHDBC * hdbc)
    SQLRETURN       rc;
    SQLCHAR         server[MAX_DSN_LENGTH + 1], uid[MAX_UID_LENGTH + 1],
pwd[MAX_PWD_LENGTH + 1];
    SQLCHAR         buffer[255];
    SQLSMALLINT     outlen;
    printf("Enter Server Name:\n");
    gets((char *) server);
    printf("Enter User Name:\n");
    gets((char *) uid);
    printf("Enter Password Name:\n");
    gets((char *) pwd);
    SQLAllocConnect(henv, hdbc);/* allocate a connection handle     */
    rc = SQLConnect(*hdbc, server, SQL_NTS, uid, SQL_NTS, pwd, SQL_NTS);
    if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Error while connecting to database\n");
        return (SQL_ERROR);
    } else {
        printf("Successful Connect\n");
        return (SQL_SUCCESS);


Parent topic:

Initialization and termination tasks in a DB2 UDB CLI application