These APIs allow the various applications to work in coordination with the simplified, top-level, intermediate-level, and expert-level APIs.

API Description
clnt_freeres() Free data allocated by the RPC or XDR system
clnt_geterr() Get the error structure from the client handle
svc_freeargs() Free data allocated by the RPC or XDR system
svc_getargs() Decodes the arguments of an RPC request
svc_getrpccaller() Get the network address of the caller
svc_run() Waits for RPC requests to arrive
svc_sendreply() Sends the results of a procedure call to a remote client.
svcerr_decode() Sends information to client for decode error
svcerr_noproc() Sends information to client for procedure number error
svcerr_systemerr() Sends information to client for system error


Parent topic:

Transport-independent RPC (TI-RPC) APIs


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