Integrated file system scanning
Objects in the "root" (/), QOpenSys and user ASP UDFS file systems will not be scanned using the integrated file system scan-related exit points until the file systems have fully converted to the *TYPE2 directory format.
The scan-related attributes can be set for objects in *TYPE1 and *TYPE2 directories to specify whether the objects are to be scanned or not, even if the file system is not fully converted.
While the system converts objects from the *TYPE1 directory format to the *TYPE2 directory format, the Scan control system value Scan on next access after object has been restored is taken into consideration as if the converted object was being restored. For example, if the Scan on next access after object has been restored value is specified while the conversion is in progress, then an object that was in a *TYPE1 directory, and had the the object will not be scanned attribute specified, will be scanned at least once after the file system has been fully converted.
Parent topic:
Conversion considerations
Related concepts
Scanning support
Related system values