Symbols and Numerics
id="num">Symbols and Numerics
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- 1024-byte format
- A format for diskette 2D diskettes with 1024 bytes per sector and 8 sectors per track.
- 128-byte format
- A format for diskette 1 diskettes with 128 bytes per sector and 26 sectors per track.
- 1980 X.25 call
- A call that conforms to the 1980 X.25 protocol specifications.
- 1984 X.25 call
- A call that conforms to the 1984 X.25 protocol specifications.
- 1988 X.25 call
- A call that conforms to the 1988 X.25 protocol specifications.
- 256-byte format
- A format for diskette 2D diskettes with 256 bytes per sector and 26 sectors per track.
- 3270 attention field
- A field on a display screen that contains a null, a space, or an ampersand in the first position. The field can be selected using the Cursor Select key, which causes data to be sent to the host system.
- 3270 device emulation
- The i5/OS® support that allows a system to appear as a 3274 Control Unit in a BSC multipoint network or an SNA network.
- 3270 display emulation
- The function of i5/OS 3270 device emulation support that converts 3270 data streams intended for a 3278 display station into data streams that can be recognized by a display station attached to the system.
- 3270 printer emulation
- The function of i5/OS 3270 device emulation support that converts 3270, DSC, and SCS data streams intended for a 328X printer into data streams that can be recognized by a printer attached to the system.
- 3GL
- See third-generation language.
- 3-state check box
- A square box with associated text that represents a choice. Unlike a regular check box, which has only two states (selected and deselected), a 3-state check box has three states (selected, deselected, and unavailable). The unavailable state is displayed as a halftone and denotes that the 3-state check box cannot be selected.
- 512-byte format
- A format for diskette 1 diskettes with 512 bytes per sector and 8 sectors per track.
- 5250 display
- Any display device that uses the 5250 data stream. See also Programming Development Manager.
- 5250 emulation
- Any one of many licensed programs that allow a personal computer to perform like a 5250 display station or printer and to use the functions of an i5/OS operating system.
- 5290 display
- Any display station from the 5290 Display System.