Retrieve Member Description (RTVMBRD)
Where allowed to run: Compiled CL program or interpreted REXX (*BPGM *IPGM *BREXX *IREXX)
Threadsafe: NoParameters
Error messagesThe Retrieve Member Description (RTVMBRD) command is used in a CL program or REXX procedure to retrieve (return) the member-level information (in CL variables) from a database file.
The values are returned (copied) to the specified CL variables. The following kinds of member information can be retrieved:
- The library name.
- The member name.
- The file attribute.
- The file type.
- The source type.
- The source date.
- The date created.
- The expiration date.
- The member text.
- The number of nondeleted records.
- The number of deleted records.
- The open data path status (shared or not shared).
- The data space size.
- The access path size.
- The date changed.
- The date saved.
- The date restored.
- The number of data members.
- The last date used.
- The days count used.
- The date and days count was reset.
Keyword Description Choices Notes FILE File Qualified object name Required, Positional 1 Qualifier 1: File Name Qualifier 2: Library Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB MBR Member Single values: *FIRST, *LAST
Other values: Element listOptional Element 1: Reference member Generic name, name, *FIRSTMBR, *LASTMBR Element 2: Relationship *SAME, *NEXT, *PRV RTNSYSTEM CL var for RTNSYSTEM (4) Character value Optional RTNLIB CL var for RTNLIB (10) Character value Optional RTNMBR CL var for RTNMBR (10) Character value Optional FILEATR CL var for FILEATR (3) Character value Optional FILETYPE CL var for FILETYPE (5) Character value Optional SRCTYPE CL var for SRCTYPE (10) Character value Optional SRCCHGDATE CL var for SRCCHGDATE (13) Character value Optional CRTDATE CL var for CRTDATE (13) Character value Optional EXPDATE CL var for EXPDATE (7) Character value Optional TEXT CL var for TEXT (50) Character value Optional NBRCURRCD CL var for NBRCURRCD (10 0) Decimal number Optional NBRDLTRCD CL var for NBRDLTRCD (10 0) Decimal number Optional SHARE CL var for SHARE (4) Character value Optional DTASPCSIZ CL var for DTASPCSIZ (15 0) Not restricted Optional ACCPTHSIZ CL var for ACCPTHSIZ (12 0) Not restricted Optional CHGDATE CL var for CHGDATE (13) Character value Optional SAVDATE CL var for SAVDATE (13) Character value Optional RSTDATE CL var for RSTDATE (13) Character value Optional NBRDTAMBRS CL var for NBRDTAMBRS (2 0) Decimal number Optional USEDATE CL var for USEDATE (7) Character value Optional USECOUNT CL var for USECOUNT (5 0) Decimal number Optional RESETDATE CL var for RESETDATE (7) Character value Optional
File (FILE)
Specifies the name and library of the file that contains the member description that is retrieved.
This is a required parameter.
You must have *USE authority to the file and *READ authority to the library before the member description information can be retrieved.
The possible library values are:
- All libraries in the library list for the current thread are searched until the first match is found.
- The current library for the job is searched. If no current entry exists in the library list, QGPL is used.
- library-name
- Specify the library name to search.
Member (MBR)
Specifies the file member whose description is retrieved. Either a single value (*FIRST or *LAST) or a double value (reference member and relationship) can be specified.
The possible single values are:
- The first member in a date-ordered list is retrieved.
- The last member in a date-ordered list is retrieved.
The possible reference members in double values are:
- The first member in a name ordered list is retrieved. The relationship value *SAME is required.
- The last member in a name ordered list is retrieved. The relationship value *SAME is required.
- member-name
- Specify the name of the reference member. The relationship of the retrieved member to the reference member is specified on the second element of this parameter (*SAME, *NEXT, or *PRV). If a variable is specified, it must be a 10-character field that contains the name of the reference member.
- generic*-member-name
- Specify the starting characters of the member name followed by an asterisk. This retrieves the first member in the name ordered list that starts with the specified characters. The relationship value is required to be *SAME.
The possible relationships in double values are:
- The reference member is retrieved.
- The member immediately after the reference member in a name ordered list is retrieved.
- *PRV
- The member immediately previous to the reference member in a name ordered list is retrieved.
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the name of the system from which the file was retrieved. In CL programs, this should be a 4-character variable.
The values that can be returned are *LCL (file found on the local system) and *RMT (file found on a remote system).
CL var for RTNLIB (10) (RTNLIB)
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the name of the library in which the file containing the specified file member is located. In CL programs, this should be a 10-character variable.
CL var for RTNMBR (10) (RTNMBR)
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the name of the file member whose description is being retrieved. In CL programs, this should be a 10-character variable.
CL var for FILEATR (3) (FILEATR)
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the file attribute. In CL programs, this should be a 3-character variable.
The values that can be returned are *PF (physical file member) and *LF (logical file member).
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the file type. In CL programs, this should be a 5-character variable.
The values that are returned are *DATA (data file member) and *SRC (source file member).
CL var for SRCTYPE (10) (SRCTYPE)
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the source file member type if this is a source file member. Blanks are returned if this is not a source file member. In CL programs, this should be a 10-character variable.
Specifies the name of a 13-character CL variable used to retrieve the century, date, and time the last source file member was changed. The format is CYYMMDDHHMMSS where C = Century (0 = 1940 through 1999 and 1 = 2000 through 2039), Y = Year, M = Month, D = Day, H = Hour, M = Minutes, and S = Seconds.
Blanks are returned if no date is available. Remote non-AS/400 and non-System/38 files or non-source physical file return blanks.
CL var for CRTDATE (13) (CRTDATE)
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the file member creation century, date, and time. In CL programs, this should be a 13-character variable. The format is CYYMMDDHHMMSS where C = Century (0 = 1940 through 1999 and 1 = 2000 through 2039), Y = Year, M = Month, D = Day, H = Hour, M = Minutes, and S = Seconds.
CL var for EXPDATE (7) (EXPDATE)
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the file member expiration century and date. In CL programs, this should be a 7-character variable. The format is CYYMMDD where C = Century (0 = 1940 through 1999 and 1 = 2000 through 2039), Y = Year, M = Month, and D = Day.
*NONE is returned if no date is available.
CL var for TEXT (50) (TEXT)
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the file member text. In CL programs, this should be a 50-character variable.
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the current number of nondeleted records in this file member. In CL programs, this should be a 10-position decimal variable.
If the member is a keyed logical member, the number of index entries is returned. For nonkeyed logical members, the number of nondeleted records in the based-on physical file member is returned.
For a join logical file, the number of records returned is a total of all the nondeleted records in the files being joined. This number includes those records that exist in the secondary file which do not have matching records in the primary file. If omit or select criteria is used, the number of records returned will be reduced or increased by the number of records meeting the selection criteria in the specified files.
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the current number of deleted records in this file member. In CL programs, this should be a 10-position decimal variable. Zero (0) is returned for keyed logical files. Remote non-AS/400 and non-S/38 files return a value of 0. For nonkeyed logical files, the number of deleted records in the based-on physical file member is returned.
CL var for SHARE (4) (SHARE)
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve a value indicating whether the open data path (ODP) allows sharing with other programs in the same job. In CL programs, this should be a 4-character variable.
Values for ODP sharing are *YES (ODP sharing is allowed) and *NO (ODP sharing is not allowed).
Remote non-AS/400 and non-S/38 files return *NO.
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the data space size (in bytes) of this file member. In CL programs, this should be a 15-position decimal variable. Zero (0) is returned if this is a logical file member.
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the access path size (in bytes) for this file member. In CL programs, this should be a 12-position decimal variable. Zero (0) is returned if the file member is non-keyed. Remote non-AS/400 and non-S/38 files return a value of 0.
CL var for CHGDATE (13) (CHGDATE)
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the file change century, date, and time. In CL programs, this should be a 13-character variable. The format is CYYMMDDHHMMSS where C = Century (0 = 1940 through 1999 and 1 = 2000 through 2039), Y = Year, M = Month, D = Day, H = Hour, M = Minutes, and S = Seconds.
CL var for SAVDATE (13) (SAVDATE)
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the file member and the save century, date, and time. In CL programs, this should be a 13-character variable. The format is CYYMMDDHHMMSS where C = Century (0 = 1940 through 1999 and 1 = 2000 through 2039), Y = Year, M = Month, D = Day, H = Hour, M = Minutes, and S = Seconds.
Blanks are returned if no date is available. Remote non-AS/400 and non-System/38 files return blanks.
CL var for RSTDATE (13) (RSTDATE)
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the file member and restore century, date, and time. In CL programs, this should be a 13-character variable. The format is CYYMMDDHHMMSS where C = Century (0 = 1940 through 1999 and 1 = 2000 through 2039), Y = Year, M = Month, D = Day, H = Hour, M = Minutes, and S = Seconds.
Blanks are returned if there is no date available. Remote non-AS/400 and non-System/38 files return blanks.
Specifies the name of a variable used to retrieve the number of data file members for this logical file member. In CL programs, this should be a 2-position decimal variable. If the member is a physical file member, a value of 0 is returned.
CL var for USEDATE (7) (USEDATE)
Specifies the name of a variable used to return the member last used century and date. In CL programs, this should be a 7-character variable. The format is CYYMMDD where C = Century (0 = 1940 through 1999 and 1 = 2000 through 2039), Y = Year, M = Month, and D = Day.
CL var for USECOUNT (5 0) (USECOUNT)
Specifies the name of a variable that is used to return the number of days the member has been used. In CL programs, this should be a 5 decimal variable. If the member does not have a last used date, 0 is returned.
Specifies the name of a variable that is used to return the century and date the days used count was last reset to 0. In CL programs, this should be a 7-character variable. The format is CYYMMDD where C = Century (0 = 1940 through 1999 and 1 = 2000 through 2039), Y = Year, M = Month, and D = Day. If the days used count has not been reset, blanks are returned.
Assume the user has a file named MYFILE in library MYLIB (which is the current library) with members QMEMBER, BMEMBER, ZMEMBER, and JMEMBER (created in that order).
Also assume the following variables are specified in the CL program:
RTVMBRD FILE(*CURLIB/MYFILE) MBR(BMEMBER *SAME) + RTNLIB(&LIB) RTNSYSTEM(&SYS) + RTNMBR(&MBR) FILEATR(&MTYPE) + CRTDATE(&CRTDATE) TEXT(&TEXT) + NBRCURRCD(&NBRRCD) DTASPCSIZ(&SIZE)This command retrieves the member description for member BMEMBER of file MYFILE located using the library list. The requested information is placed in the CL variables as follows:
- The current library name (MYLIB) is placed in the CL variable named &LIB.
- The system on which MYFILE was found is placed in the CL variable named &SYS. (*LCL means the file was found on the local system, and *RMT means the file was found on a remote system.)
- The member name (BMEMBER) is placed in the CL variable named &MBR.
- The file attribute of MYFILE is placed in the CL variable named &MTYPE. (*DATA means the member is a data member, and *SRC means the file is a source member.)
- The creation date of BMEMBER is placed in the CL variable named &CRTDATE.
- The text associated with BMEMBER is placed in the CL variable called &TEXT.
- The current number of records in BMEMBER is placed in the CL variable called &NBRRCD.
- The size of BMEMBER's data space (in bytes) is placed in the CL variable called &SIZE.
Example 1: Retrieving the Next Member Description
RTVMBRD FILE(&LIB/MYFILE) MBR(&MBR *NEXT) + RTNMBR(&MBR) CRTDATE(&CRTDATE) + TEXT(&TEXT) NBRCURRCD(&NBRRCD) + DTASPCSIZ(&SIZE)This command retrieves the member description for the member of file MYFILE which is "next" (in name order). The requested information is placed in the CL variables as follows:
- The next member's name after BMEMBER (JMEMBER since the file is searched in name order) in MYFILE is placed in the CL variable named &MBR.
- The creation date of JMEMBER is placed in the CL variable named &CRTDATE.
- The text associated with JMEMBER is placed in the CL variable called &TEXT.
- The current number of records in JMEMBER is placed in the CL variable called &NBRRCD.
- The size of JMEMBER's data space (in bytes) is placed in the CL variable called &SIZE.
The file can also be searched backwards. An example is:
RTVMBRD FILE(*CURLIB/MYFILE) MBR(ZMEMBER *PRV) + RTNMBR(&MBR) CHGDATE(&CHGDATE) TEXT(&TEXT)The requested information is placed in the CL variables as follows:
- The member name (QMEMBER since it is the member just previous to ZMEMBER in a name-ordered list) is placed in the CL variable named &MBR.
- The date QMEMBER was last changed is placed in the CL variable named &CHGDATE.
- The text associated with QMEMBER is placed in the CL variable called &TEXT.
If only the first part of the member name is known, you can use a generic name (or partial name) search of the list of members, as follows:
RTVMBRD FILE(*LIBL/MYFILE) MBR(JM*) RTNMBR(&MBR) + CHGDATE(&CHGDATE) TEXT(&TEXT)The requested information is placed in the CL variables as follows:
- The member name (JMEMBER since it is the first member starting with the characters JM in a name ordered list) is placed in the CL variable named &MBR.
- The date JMEMBER was last changed is placed in the CL variable named &CHGDATE.
- The text associated with JMEMBER is placed in the CL variable called &TEXT.
Error messages
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPF3018
- Member &3 for file &1 in &2 not available.
- CPF3019
- File &1 in library &2 has no members.
- CPF3027
- File &1 in &2 not a database file.
- CPF3038
- Attributes for return variable &1 not valid.
- CPF3039
- Return variable &1 too small to hold result.
- CPF3049
- *NEXT or *PRV member does not exist.
- CPF3051
- File &1 in library &2 not available.
- CPF325F
- Conversion of the text failed.
- CPF327B
- File &1 information cannot be retrieved.
- CPF8109
- &8 damage on physical database file &4.
- CPF8110
- &8 damage on logical data base file &4 in &9. VLOG-&7.
- CPF8111
- &8 damage on member &9 file &4.
- CPF9803
- Cannot allocate object &2 in library &3.
- CPF9806
- Cannot perform function for object &2 in library &3.
- CPF9810
- Library &1 not found.
- CPF9812
- File &1 in library &2 not found.
- CPF9815
- Member &5 file &2 in library &3 not found.
- CPF9820
- Not authorized to use library &1.
- CPF9822
- Not authorized to file &1 in library &2.