Restrictions on the CPYFRMIMPF command
There are certain restrictions that apply to the CPYFRMIMPF command.
- The data type of the from-file must be one of two types:
- A source physical file
- A physical file with one field with a data type of CHARACTER, IGC OPEN, IGC EITHER, IGC ONLY, GRAPHIC, fixed or variable length
- The copied records might have the same relative record numbers in the to-file as in the from-file.
- Create the to-file before copying.
- RCDDEL *ALL finds the first occurrence of CRLF, LFCR, CR, or LF. This value will be used as the RCDDEL throughout the rest of the program.
- The to-file and from-file cannot be the same file.
- If a record from the from-file cannot be imported, the process continues based on the Errors Allowed (ERRLVL) parameter. When ERRLVL(*NOMAX) is defaulted or specified while the ERRRCDFILE parameter is being used, incorrect error records might be written to the ERRRCDFILE. This occurs for two reasons: record blocking is performed from ERRLVL(*NOMAX) or because the copy might be using multiple tasks to perform the request. To avoid having the incorrect records appearing in the error record file, follow either of the following two suggestions: use the ERRLVL(*NOMAX) parameter only after knowing the data can be copied correctly or specify a numeric value rather than *NOMAX. When specifying a numeric value, all the error records will be written to the ERRRCDFILE until the ERRLVL number is exceeded or the end of file is reached.
Note that you will need to specify a high enough number in order for the CPYFRMIMPF to make it through the entire file.
- If the from-file is a source file, the system does not copy the first 12 bytes of the record (Sequence field and Date field). If the to-file is a source file, the system sets the first 12 bytes of the to-file's data (Sequence field and Date field) to zeros.
You can use this command on files that contain user-defined types (UDTs), user-defined functions (UDFs), identity columns, ROWIDs, and large objects (LOBs). You cannot use this command on files that contain datalinks.
Using the CPYFRMIMPF command with a JOBCCSID of 65535 might produce inaccurate or unpredictable results.
Parent topic:
Using the Copy From Import File (CPYFRMIMPF) command to copy between different systems
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Using the Copy From Import File (CPYFRMIMPF) command to copy between different systems
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