Database file management
Traditional file management is the part of the operating system that controls the storing and accessing of traditional file objects (*FILE objects in the QSYS.LIB library) on the IBM® i5/OS® operating system.
In some previous releases, this has been called data management. The data might be on internal storage (for example, database objects), on external media (diskette, tape, or printer objects), or on another system.
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- What's new for V5R4
In V5R4, some enhancements have been made to the copy from import file (CPRFRMIMPF) command and the copy to import file (CPYTOIMPF) command.
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- Overview of database file management
File management provides the functions that an application uses when you create and access data on the system, and ensures the integrity of the data according to the definitions of the application.
- Working with database files
This topic describes the various tasks that can be used to ensure that files are used effectively.
- Performance
There are some guidelines that you can follow to improve the performance of your copy operations.
- Security
The i5/OS operating system provides many security features that help you control access to data and files.
- Troubleshooting database file management
The i5/OS operating system provides system reports and error messages when errors occur. You can take corresponding actions according to the errors.
- Reference
You can select any of the reference topics on the navigation bar or from the list in this topic for quick access to specific reference information such as character support, feedback area layouts, and other support considerations.
- Related information for database file management
Listed here are the product manuals and IBM Redbooks™ (in PDF format), Web sites, and information center topics that relate to the Database file management topic. You can view or print any of the PDFs.