Default actions for redirected files
This topic describes the specific default actions that the system takes when it redirects files and which default actions it ignores for each redirection combination.
- From
- Printer
- To
- ICF: Records are written to the file one at a time. Printer control information is ignored.
Display: Records are written to the display with each record overlaying the previous record. For program-described files, you can request each record using the Enter key. Printer control information is ignored.
Database: Records are written to the database in sequential order. Printer control information is ignored.
Diskette: The amount of data written on diskette is dependent on the exchange type of the diskette. Diskette label information must be provided in the diskette file or on an override command. Printer control information is ignored.
Tape: Records are written to the tape in sequential order. Tape label information must be specified in the tape file or on an override command. Printer control information is ignored.
- From
- ICF input
- To
- Display: Records are retrieved from the display one at a time. Type in the data for each record and press the Enter key when the record is complete.
Database: Records are retrieved from the database.
Diskette: Records are retrieved in sequential order. Diskette label information must be provided in the diskette file or on an override command.
Tape: Records are retrieved in sequential order. Tape label information must be specified in the tape file or on the override command.
- From
- ICF output
- To
- Printer: Records are printed and folding or truncating is performed as specified in the printer file.
Display: Records are written to the display with each record overlaying the previous record.
Database: Records are written to the database in sequential order.
Diskette: The amount of data written on diskette is dependent on the exchange type of the diskette. Diskette label information must be provided in the diskette file or on an override command.
Tape: Records are written to the tape in sequential order. Tape label information must be specified in the tape file or on the override command.
- From
- ICF input/output
- To
- Display: Input records are retrieved from the display one at a time. Type in the data for each record and press the Enter key when the record is complete. Output records are written to the display with each record overlaying the previous input or output record. Input and output records are essentially independent of each other and can be combined in any manner.
- From
- Diskette input
- To
- ICF: Records are retrieved from the ICF file one at a time.
Display: Records are retrieved from the display one at a time. Type in the data for each record and press the Enter key when the record is complete. A nonfield-level device file must be specified. Diskette label information is ignored.
Database: Records are retrieved in sequential order. Diskette label information is ignored.
Tape: Records are retrieved in sequential order. If a label value is specified in the program, that value is used as the label for the tape file.
- From
- Diskette output
- To
- ICF: Records are written to the ICF file one at a time.
Database: Records are written to the database in sequential order.
Display: Records are written to the display with each record overlaying the previous record. You can request each output record using the Enter key.
Printer: Records are printed and folding or truncating is performed as specified in the printer file.
Tape: Records are written on tape in sequential order.
- From
- Display input
- To
- ICF: Records are retrieved from the ICF file one at a time.
Diskette: Records are retrieved in sequential order. Diskette label information must be provided in the diskette file or on an override command.
Database: Input records are retrieved.
Tape: Records are retrieved in sequential order. Tape label information must be specified in the tape file or on an override command.
- From
- Display output
- To
- ICF: Records are written to the ICF file one at a time.
Database: Records are written to the database in sequential order.
Diskette: The amount of data written on diskette is dependent on the exchange type of the diskette. Diskette label information must be provided in the diskette file or on an override command.
Tape: Records are written on tape in sequential order. Tape label information must be specified in the tape file or on an override command.
Printer: Records are printed and folding or truncating is performed as specified in the printer file.
- From
- Display input/output
- To
- ICF: Input records are retrieved from the ICF file one at a time. Output records are written to the ICF file one at a time. The relationship between the input and output records is determined by the application program.
- From
- Database input (sequentially processed)
- To
- ICF: Records are retrieved from the ICF file one at a time.
Display: Records are retrieved from the display one at a time. Type in the data for each record and press the Enter key when the record is complete. A nonfield-level device file must be specified.
Diskette: Records are retrieved in sequential order. Diskette label information must be provided in the diskette file or on an override command.
Tape: Records are retrieved from tape in sequential order. Tape label information must be specified in the tape file or on an override command.
- From
- Database output (sequentially processed)
- To
- Printer: The number of characters printed is determined by the page size specified. If folding is specified, all of a record is printed.
ICF: Records are written to the ICF file one at a time.
Display: Records are written to the display with each record overlaying the previous record. You can request each output record using the Enter key.
Diskette: The amount of data written on diskette depends on the exchange type of the diskette. Diskette label information must be provided in the diskette file or on an override command.
Tape: Records are written on tape in sequential order. Tape label information must be specified in the tape file or on an override command.
- From
- Tape input
- To
- ICF: Records are retrieved from the ICF file one at a time.
Display: Records are retrieved from the display one at a time. Type in the data for each record and press the Enter key when the record is complete. A nonfield-level device file must be specified. Tape label information is ignored.
Database: Records are retrieved in sequential order. One record is read as a single field. Tape label information is ignored.
Diskette: Records are retrieved in sequential order. If a label value is specified in the program, that value is used as the label for the diskette file.
- From
- Tape output
- To
- Printer: Records are printed, and folding or truncating is performed as specified in the printer file.
ICF: Records are written to the ICF file one at a time. Tape label information is ignored.
Diskette: The amount of data written on diskette depends on the exchange type of the diskette. If a label value is specified in the program, that value is used as the label for the diskette file.
Display: Records are written to the display with each record overlaying the previous record. You can request each output record using the Enter key.
Database: Records are written to the database in sequential order.
Parent topic:
File redirection