Copying file members: Overview


You can copy multiple database members or diskette labels to corresponding like-named to-file members or labels. They can also be copied and concatenated, one after another, into a single to-file member or label.

If the to-file is a spooled file, then the copy command copies each member or label to a separate spooled file. If TOFILE(*PRINT) is specified, then all the members/labels are copied to a single spooled file, with the records for each member/label starting on a new page.

A single member or label, or multiple members or labels, can be copied to corresponding like-named to-file members or labels by specifying TOMBR(*FROMMBR), TOLABEL(*FROMMBR), or TOMBR(*FROMLABEL) depending on the copy command used. If the to-file is tape, you cannot specify this unless you are copying from a single from-file member or label. *FROMMBR is the default value for the TOMBR parameter on the CPYSRCF command, which copies the from-file members to like-named to-file members.


Parent topic:

Selecting members to copy