Improving the performance of the CPYFRMIMPF command


To improve the performance of the CPYFRMIMPF command, follow these steps.

  1. Delete any logical keyed files based on the TOFILE.

  2. Remove all constraints and triggers of the TOFILE.

  3. Ensure the FROMFILE records will be copied correctly by attempting to copy a few of the records. Copy a few of the records using the FROMRCD and number of records option.

  4. Use the ERRLVL(*NOMAX) parameter after you know you can copy the data correctly.

  5. When the ERRLVL(*NOMAX) parameter is used, record blocking increases performance. If an error in writing a record occurs during record blocking, the number of records listed as being copied in the completion message, CPC2955, might not be accurate.


Parent topic:

Using the Copy From Import File (CPYFRMIMPF) command to copy between different systems