Variable-length fields used by the INCCHAR parameter


When you specify *RCD for the INCCHAR parameter, the starting position represents the position in the buffer. The 2-byte length field of variable-length fields must be considered when determining the position.

Use single-byte blanks (X'40') to pad variable-length fields if the INCCHAR value spans multiple fields.

You can specify variable-length fields for the INCCHAR string when you specify a field name. The starting position represents the position in the data portion of the variable-length from-field value. The number of bytes that are compared is the number of bytes in the value that is specified for the INCCHAR string. If the actual data in the variable-length from-field is shorter than the value specified for the INCCHAR parameter, the from-field data is padded with single-byte blanks (X'40') for the comparison.

You cannot specify a zero-length string for the INCCHAR value.


Parent topic:

Selecting records based on character content (INCCHAR parameter)