Changing alphanumeric application programs to DBCS application programs


If an alphanumeric application program uses externally described files, you can change that application program to a DBCS application program by changing the externally described files. To convert an application program, follow these steps:

  1. Create a duplicate copy of the source statements for the alphanumeric file that you want to change.

  2. Change alphanumeric constants and literals to double-byte constants and literals.

  3. Change fields in the file to the open (O) data type or specify the Alternative Data Type (IGCALTTYP) DDS keyword so that you can enter both double-byte and alphanumeric data in these fields. You might want to change the length of the fields as the double-byte data takes more space.

  4. Store the converted file in a separate library. Give the file the same name as its alphanumeric version.

  5. When you want to use the changed file in a job, change the library list, using the Change Library List (CHGLIBL) command, for the job in which the file will be used. The library in which the DBCS display file is stored is then checked before the library in which the alphanumeric version of the file is stored.


Parent topic:

Application program considerations for DBCS