The output listing is sent to the printer file specified by the PRTFILE parameter of the CRTSQLxxx command.
The following items are written to the printer file:
- Precompiler options
This is a list of all the options specified with the CRTSQLxxx command and the date the source member was last changed.
- Precompiler source
This output is produced if the *SOURCE option is used for non-ILE precompiles or if the OUTPUT(*PRINT) parameter is specified for ILE precompiles. It shows each precompiler source statement with its record number assigned by the precompiler, the sequence number (SEQNBR) you see when using the source entry utility (SEU), and the date the record was last changed.
- Precompiler cross-reference
This output is produced if *XREF was specified in the OPTION parameter. It shows the name of the host variable or SQL entity (such as tables and columns), the record number where the name is defined, what the name is defined, and the record numbers where the name occurs.
- Precompiler diagnostic list
This output supplies diagnostic messages, showing the precompiler record numbers of statements in error.
Parent topic:
Precompiling programs with SQL statements