DB2 Universal Database for iSeries coexistence
When you write and maintain programs for a distributed relational database using the SQL language, consider the other systems in the distributed relational database network.
The program you are writing or maintaining might have to be compatible with the following items:
- Other System i™ products
- Previous i5/OS® operating system releases
- Systems other than System i
Remember that the SQL statements in a distributed SQL program run on the application server (AS). Even though the program runs on the application requester (AR), the SQL statements are in the SQL package to be run on the AS. Those statements must be supported by the AS and be compatible with the collections, tables, and views that exist on the AS. Also, the users who run the program on the AR must be authorized to the SQL package and other SQL objects on the AS.
You can convert a non-distributed embedded SQL program to a distributed embedded SQL program by creating the program again using the CRTSQLxxx command and specifying the relational database name (RDB parameter) for an AS. This compiles the program again using the distributed relational database support in DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries™ and creates the SQL package needed on the AS.
You can write DB2® UDB for iSeries programs that run on application servers that are not System i products, and these other platforms might support more or fewer SQL functions. Statements that are not supported on the DB2 UDB for iSeries AR can be used and compiled on the server when the AS supports the function. SQL programs written to run on an i5/OS AS only provide the level of support described in this topic collection. See the support documentation for the other systems to determine the level of function they provide.
Parent topic:
SQL specific to distributed relational database and SQL CALL