Working with active jobs in a distributed relational database


Use the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command if you want to monitor the jobs running for several users, or if you are looking for a job and you do not know the job name or the user ID.

When you enter this command, the Work with Active Jobs display appears. It shows the performance and status information for jobs that are currently active on the system. All information is gathered on a job basis and grouped by subsystem.

The display here shows the Work with Active Jobs display on a typical day at the KC105 system:

Work with Active Jobs                     KC105
03/29/92  16:17:45
CPU %:   41.7     Elapsed time:   04:37:55     Active jobs:   42
Type options, press Enter.
2=Change   3=Hold   4=End   5=Work with   6=Release   7=Display message 8=Work with spooled files   13=Disconnect ...
Opt  Subsystem/Job  User        Type  CPU %  Function        Status __   QBATCH         QSYS        SBS      .0                   DEQW __   QCMN           QSYS        SBS      .0                   DEQW __   QINTER         QSYS        SBS      .0                   DEQW __     DSP01        CLERK1      INT      .0  CMD-STRSQL       DSPW __     DSP02        CLERK2      INT      .0  *  -CMDENT       DSPW  
Parameters or command ===>
F3=Exit      F5=Refresh   F10=Restart statistics   F11=Display elapsed data F12=Cancel   F23=More options   F24=More keys  

When you press F11 (Display elapsed data), the following display is provided to give you detailed status information.

Work with Active Jobs                     KC105
03/29/92  16:17:45
CPU %:   41.7     Elapsed time:   04:37:55     Active jobs:   42
Type options, press Enter.
2=Change   3=Hold   4=End   5=Work with   6=Release   7=Display message 8=Work with spooled files   13=Disconnect ...
Opt  Subsystem/Job  Type  Pool  Pty      CPU  Int    Rsp  AuxIO  CPU %
__   QBATCH         SBS     2    0       4.4                108     .0
__   QCMN           SBS     2    0      20.7                668     .0
__     KC000        EVK     2   50        .1                  9     .0
__     KC0001       EVK     2   50        .1                  9     .0
__     MP000        EVK     2   50        .1                 14     .0
__   QINTER         SBS     2    0       7.3                  4     .0
__     DSP01        INT     2   20        .1                  0     .0
__     DSP02        INT     2   20        .1                  0     .0
Parameters or command ===>
F3=Exit      F5=Refresh         F10=Restart statistics   F11=Display status F12=Cancel   F23=More options   F24=More keys  

The Work with Active Jobs display gives you information about job priority and system usage as well as the user and type information you get from the Work with User Jobs display. You also can use any of 11 options on a job (2 through 11 and 13), including option 5, which presents you with the Work with Job display for the selected job. Use the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command if you want to monitor the jobs running for several users or if you are looking for a job and you do not know the job name or the user ID.

Another method to view information about job priority and system usage is to use iSeries™ Navigator. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select Databases in the iSeries Navigator interface.

  2. Select a remote database you want to view information about.

  3. Right-click and select Properties. This opens a properties window with the information displayed.


Parent topic:

Monitoring relational database activity


Related reference

Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command
Improving distributed relational database performance through the system
Application does not complete in the expected time