Example: Sourced UDFs involving UDTs
Suppose that you have defined a sourced user-defined function (UDF) on the built-in SUM function to support SUM on Euros.
The function statement is as follows:
CREATE FUNCTION SUM (EURO) RETURNS EURO SOURCE SYSIBM.SUM (DECIMAL())You want to know the total of sales in Germany for each product in the year of 2004. You want to obtain the total sales in U.S. dollars:
SELECT PRODUCT_ITEM, US_DOLLAR (SUM (TOTAL)) FROM GERMAN_SALES WHERE YEAR = 2004 GROUP BY PRODUCT_ITEMYou cannot write SUM (US_DOLLAR (TOTAL)), unless you had defined a SUM function on U.S. dollar in a manner similar to the above.
Parent topic:
Examples: Using UDTs
Related reference
Example: Assignments involving different UDTs