Application program objects


Several objects are created during the precompile of a DB2® UDB for iSeries™ application program.

DB2 UDB for iSeries supports both non-ILE and ILE precompilers. Application programs can be either distributed or nondistributed.

With DB2 UDB for iSeries, you might need to manage the following objects:

With a nondistributed non-ILE DB2 UDB for iSeries program, manage only the original source and the resulting program. The following figure shows the objects involved and the steps that happen during the precompile and compile processes for a nondistributed non-ILE DB2 UDB for iSeries program:

Precompile and compile processes for a nondistributed, non-ILE program. The user <a href=source file member precompiles the source to a temporary source file member. This member is then compiled into a program." />

With a nondistributed ILE DB2 UDB for iSeries program, you might need to manage the original source, the modules, and the resulting program or service program. The following figure shows the objects involved and the steps that happen during the precompile and compile processes for a nondistributed ILE DB2 UDB for iSeries program when OBJTYPE(*PGM) is specified on the precompile command:

Precompile and compile processes for a nondistributed <a href=ILE program. The user source file member precompiles the source to a temporary source file member. This member is then compiled into a module which binds to a program." />

With a distributed non-ILE DB2 UDB for iSeries program, manage the original source, the resulting program, and the resulting package. The following figure shows the objects and the steps that occur during the precompile and compile processes for a distributed non-ILE DB2 UDB for iSeries program:

Precompile and compile processes for a distributed non-ILE program. The user <a href=source file member precompiles the source to a temporary source file member. This member is then compiled into a program. Once the program is created, an SQL package is created to hold the program." />

With a distributed ILE DB2 UDB for iSeries program, manage the original source, module objects, the resulting program or service program, and the resulting packages. An SQL package can be created for each distributed module in a distributed ILE program or service program. The following figure shows the objects and the steps that occur during the precompile and compile processes for a distributed ILE DB2 UDB for iSeries program:

Precompile and compile processes for a distributed <a href=ILE program. The user source file member precompiles the source to a temporary source file member. This member is then compiled into a module which binds to a program. Once the program is created, an SQL package is created to hold the program." />

The access plans associated with the DB2 UDB for iSeries distributed program object are not created until the program is run locally.


Parent topic:

Introduction to DB2 UDB for iSeries Structured Query Language


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Preparing and running a program with SQL statements