Example: Insert trigger written in RPG/400
This trigger program runs after records are inserted into the ATMTRANS file.
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* Program Name : INSTRG * This is an insert trigger for the application * file. The application inserts the following three * records into the ATMTRANS file. * * ATMID ACCTID TCODE AMOUNT * -------------------------------- * 10001 20001 D 100.00 * 10002 20002 D 250.00 * 10003 20003 D 500.00 * * When a record is inserted into ATMTRANS, the system calls * this program, which updates the ATMS and * ACCTS files with the correct deposit or withdrawal amount. * The input parameters to this trigger program are: * - TRGBUF : contains trigger information and newly inserted * record image of ATMTRANS. * - TRGBUF Length : length of TRGBUF. * H 1 * * Open the ATMS file and the ACCTS file. * FATMS UF E DISK KCOMIT FACCTS UF E DISK KCOMIT * * DECLARE THE STRUCTURES THAT ARE TO BE PASSED INTO THIS PROGRAM. * IPARM1 DS * Physical file name I 1 10 FNAME * Physical file library I 11 20 LNAME * Member name I 21 30 MNAME * Trigger event I 31 31 TEVEN * Trigger time I 32 32 TTIME * Commit lock level I 33 33 CMTLCK * Reserved I 34 36 FILL1 * CCSID I B 37 400CCSID * Reserved I 41 48 FILL2 * Offset to the original record I B 49 520OLDOFF * length of the original record I B 53 560OLDLEN * Offset to the original record null byte map I B 57 600ONOFF * length of the null byte map I B 61 640ONLEN * Offset to the new record I B 65 680NOFF * length of the new record I B 69 720NEWLEN * Offset to the new record null byte map I B 73 760NNOFF * length of the null byte map I B 77 800NNLEN * Reserved I 81 96 RESV3 * Old record ** not applicable I 97 112 OREC * Null byte map of old record I 113 116 OOMAP * Newly inserted record of ATMTRANS I 117 132 RECORD * Null byte map of new record I 133 136 NNMAP IPARM2 DS I B 1 40LENG ****************************************************************** * SET UP THE ENTRY PARAMETER LIST. ****************************************************************** C *ENTRY PLIST C PARM PARM1 C PARM PARM2 ****************************************************************** * Use NOFF, which is the offset to the new record, to * get the location of the new record from the first * parameter that was passed into this trigger program. * - Add 1 to the offset NOFF since the offset that was * passed to this program started from zero. * - Substring out the fields to a CHARACTER field and * then move the field to a NUMERIC field if it is * necessary. ****************************************************************** C Z-ADDNOFF O 50 C ADD 1 O ****************************************************************** * - PULL OUT THE ATM NUMBER. ****************************************************************** C 5 SUBSTPARM1:O CATM 5 ****************************************************************** * - INCREMENT "O", WHICH IS THE OFFSET IN THE PARAMETER * STRING. PULL OUT THE ACCOUNT NUMBER. ****************************************************************** C ADD 5 O C 5 SUBSTPARM1:O CACC 5 ****************************************************************** * - INCREMENT "O", WHICH IS THE OFFSET IN THE PARAMETER * STRING. PULL OUT THE TRANSACTION CODE. ****************************************************************** C ADD 5 O C 1 SUBSTPARM1:O TCODE 1 ****************************************************************** * - INCREMENT "O", WHICH IS THE OFFSET IN THE PARAMETER * STRING. PULL OUT THE TRANSACTION AMOUNT. ****************************************************************** C ADD 1 O C 5 SUBSTPARM1:O CAMT 5 C MOVELCAMT TAMT 52 ************************************************************* * PROCESS THE ATM FILE. **************** ************************************************************* * READ THE FILE TO FIND THE CORRECT RECORD. C ATMN DOUEQCATM C READ ATMS 61EOF C END C 61 GOTO EOF * CHANGE THE VALUE OF THE ATM BALANCE APPROPRIATELY. C TCODE IFEQ 'D' C ADD TAMT ATMAMT C ELSE C TCODE IFEQ 'W' C SUB TAMT ATMAMT C ELSE C ENDIF C ENDIF * UPDATE THE ATM FILE. C EOF TAG C UPDATATMFILE C CLOSEATMS ************************************************************* * PROCESS THE ACCOUNT FILE. **************** ************************************************************* * READ THE FILE TO FIND THE CORRECT RECORD. C ACCTN DOUEQCACC C READ ACCTS 62 EOF2 C END C 62 GOTO EOF2 * CHANGE THE VALUE OF THE ACCOUNTS BALANCE APPROPRIATELY. C TCODE IFEQ 'D' C ADD TAMT BAL C ELSE C TCODE IFEQ 'W' C SUB TAMT BAL C ELSE C ENDIF C ENDIF * UPDATE THE ACCT FILE. C EOF2 TAG C UPDATACCFILE C CLOSEACCTS * C SETON LRAfter the insertions by the application, the ATMTRANS file contains the following data:
After being updated from the ATMTRANS file by the insert trigger program, the ATMS file and the ACCTS file contain the following data:
ATMID ACCTID TCODE AMOUNT 10001 20001 D 100.00 10002 20002 D 250.00 10003 20003 D 500.00
ATMN LOCAT ATMAMT 10001 MN 300.00 10002 MN 750.00 10003 CA 750.00
ACCTN BAL ACTACC 20001 200.00 A 20002 350.00 A 20003 500.00 C
Parent topic:
Examples: Trigger programs