Processing constraints that are in check pending status


It might take a long time for the system to validate constraints that are created for large files. You can list the constraints that are in check pending status and schedule them for verification as required. To display and edit the list of constraints that are in check pending status, follow these steps:

  1. Run the Edit Check Pending Constraints (EDTCPCST) command.

  2. Check the status of the constraint you want to process.

  3. If the constraint is in a status other than RUN or READY, change the *HLD value in the Seq field to a value between 1 and 99.

  4. Press Enter.
                  Edit Check Pending Constraints  
 Type sequence, press Enter.
 Sequence:   1-99, *HLD  
                 ------------Constraints-----------  Verify    Elapsed   Seq  Status    Cst         File        Library     Time      Time   1    RUN       EMP1        DEP         EPPROD      00:01:00  00:00:50
  1    READY     CONST   >   DEP         EPPROD      00:02:00  00:00:00
  *HLD CHKPND    FORTH   >   STYBAK      EPPROD      00:03:00  00:00:00
  *HLD CHKPND    CST88       STYBAK      EPPROD      00:10:00  00:00:00
  *HLD CHKPND    CS317       STYBAK      EPPROD      00:20:00  00:00:00
  *HLD CHKPND    KSTAN       STYBAK      EPPROD      02:30:00  00:00:00
                                                       Bottom  F3=Exit  F5=Refresh  F12=Cancel  F13=Repeat all  F15=Sort by  F16=Repeat position to  F17=Position to  F22=Display constraint name  


Details: Processing constraints that are in check pending status

Additional information about processing constraints that are in check pending status includes the Status field of the Edit Check Pending Constraints display, the Constraint column, and the Verify time column. The Status field of the Edit Check Pending Constraints display has one of the following values:

The Constraint column contains the first five characters of the constraint name. A > symbol follows the name if it exceeds five characters. You can display the whole long name, put the cursor on that line and press the F22 key.

The Verify time column shows the time it would take to verify the constraint if there were no other jobs on the system. The elapsed time column indicates the time already spent on verifying the constraint.


Parent topic:

Working with constraints that are in check pending status


Related reference

Edit Check Pending Constraints (EDTCPCST) command