Messages sent when the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command is run
When the Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command is run, messages are sent to inform the interactive user of the status of the OPNQRYF request.
For example, if a keyed access path is built by the OPNQRYF command to satisfy the request, a message is sent to the user. The following messages might be sent when the OPNQRYF command is run.
Message identifier Description CPI4301 Query running. CPI4302 Query running. Building access path... CPI4303 Query running. Creating copy of file... CPI4304 Query running. Selection complete... CPI4305 Query running. Sorting copy of file... CPI4306 Query running. Building access path from file... CPI4307 Query running. Building hash table from file &1 in &2. CPI4011 Query running. Number of records processed... To stop these status messages from appearing, you can see the discussion about message handling in the Control language (CL) topic. When your job is running under debug (by using the Start Debug (STRDBG) command), or requested with query options file option of DEBUG_MESSAGES *YES, messages are sent to your job log. These messages describe the implementation method that is used to process the OPNQRYF request. These messages provide information about the optimization processing that occurred. You can use these messages as a tool for tuning the OPNQRYF request to achieve the best performance. Listed here are these messages:
- CPI4321
- Access path built for file...
- CPI4322
- Access path built from keyed file...
- CPI4324
- Temporary file built from file...
- CPI4325
- Temporary file built for query
- CPI4326
- File processed in join position...
- CPI4327
- File processed in join position 1.
- CPI4328
- Access path of file that is used...
- CPI4329
- Arrival sequence that is used for file...
- CPI432A
- Query optimizer timed out...
- CPI432C
- All access paths considered for file...
- CPI432E
- Selection fields mapped to different attributes...
- CPI432F
- Access path suggestion for file...
- CPI433B
- Unable to update query options file.
- CPI4330
- &6 tasks used for parallel &10 scan of file &1.
- CPI4332
- &6 tasks used for parallel index that is created over file...
- CPI4333
- Hashing algorithm used to process join.
- CPI4338
- &1 access paths used for bitmap processing of file...
- CPI4339
- Query options retrieved file &2 in library &1.
- CPI4341
- Performing distributed query.
- CPI4342
- Performing distributed join for query.
- CPI4345
- Temporary distributed result file &4 built...
- CPI4346
- Optimizer debug messages for query join step &1 of &2 follow:
- CPI4347
- Query is processing in multiple steps.
Most of the messages provide a reason why the particular option was performed. The second level text on each message gives an extended description of why the option was chosen. Some messages provide suggestions to help improve the performance of the OPNQRYF request.
Parent topic:
Using Open Query File (OPNQRYF) command
Related concepts
Control language