Adding members
You can use several methods to add members to a database file.
- Automatically. When a file is created using the Create Physical File (CRTPF) or Create Logical File (CRTLF) command, the default is to automatically add a member (with the same name as the file) to the newly created file. (The default for the Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF) command is not to add a member to the newly created file.) You can specify a different member name using the MBR parameter on the create database file commands. If you do not want a member added when the file is created, specify *NONE on the MBR parameter.
- Specifically. After the file is created, you can add a member using the Add Physical File Member (ADDPFM) or Add Logical File Member (ADDLFM) command.
- The Copy File (CPYF) command. If the member you are copying does not exist in the file being copied to, the member is added to the file by the CPYF command.
Parent topic:
Member operations common to all database files
Related reference
Create Physical File (CRTPF) command
Create Logical File (CRTLF) command
Add Physical File Member (ADDPFM) command
Copy File (CPYF) command