Example 2: Final total-only processing
This example shows total-only processing with record selection. Assume that you want to change the previous example so that only the records where the Code field is equal to B are in the final total. You can add the QRYSLT parameter as follows:
OVRDBF FILE(FINTOT) TOFILE(FILEA) SHARE(*YES) OPNQRYF FILE(FILEA) FORMAT(FINTOT) + QRYSLT('CODE *EQ "B" ') MAPFLD((COUNT '%COUNT') + (TOTAMT '%SUM(AMT)') (MAXAMT '%MAX(AMT)')) CALL PGM(PGMG) /* Created using file FINTOT as input */ CLOF OPNID(FILEA) DLTOVR FILE(FINTOT)You can use the GRPSLT keyword with the final total function. The GRPSLT selection values you specify determines if you receive the final total record.
Parent topic:
Final total-only processing