Displaying the relationships between files on the system


You can use the Display Database Relations (DSPDBR) command to display the relationships between database files on the system. The information can be displayed, printed, or written to a database output file (OUTFILE). You can use the DSPDBR command to display the following information about the organization of your database:

For example, to display a list of all database files associated with physical file ORDHDRP, with the record format ORDHDR, type the following DSPDBR command:

See the DSPDBR command description in the Control language (CL) topic for details of this display.

This display presents header information when a record format name is specified on the RCDFMT parameter, and presents information about which files are using the specified record format.

If a member name is specified on the MBR parameter of the DSPDBR command, the dependent members are shown.

If the DSPDBR command is specified with the default MBR(*NONE) parameter value, the dependent data files are shown. To display the shared access paths, specify a member name.

The DSPDBR command output identifies the type of sharing involved. If the results of the command are displayed, the name of the type of sharing is displayed. If the results of the command are written to a database file, the code for the type of sharing (shown below) is placed in the WHTYPE field in the records of the output file.

Type Code Description
Constraint C The physical file is dependent on the data in another physical file with which it is associated via a constraint.
Data D The file or member is dependent on the data in a member of another file.
Access path sharing I The file member is sharing an access path.
Access path owner O If an access path is shared, one of the file members is considered the owner. The owner of the access path is charged with the storage used for the access path. If the member displayed is designated the owner, one or more file members are designated with an I for access path sharing.
SQL View V The SQL view or member is dependent on another SQL view.


Parent topic:

Displaying information about database files


Related concepts

Control language


Related reference

Display Database Relations (DSPDBR) command