Specifying database file and member attributes
When you create a database file, database attributes are stored with the file and members. You specify attributes with database command parameters.
- Specifying the file name and member name (FILE and MBR) parameters
The FILE and MBR parameters specify the names of a database file and a file member.
- Specifying the physical file data members (DTAMBRS) parameter
The DTAMBRS parameter on the Create Logical File (CRTLF) command specifies the physical files and members that contain the data associated with a logical file member.
- Specifying the source file and source member (SRCFILE and SRCMBR) parameters
The SRCFILE and SRCMBR parameters specify the names of the source file and the source file member that contain DDS statements.
- Specifying the file type (FILETYPE) parameter
The FILETYPE parameter specifies the type of database file.
- Specifying the maximum number of members (MAXMBRS) parameter
The MAXMBRS parameter specifies the maximum number of members that a database file can hold.
- Specifying the preferred storage unit (UNIT) parameter
The system finds a place for a database file on auxiliary storage. The UNIT parameter specifies where to store the file.
- Specifying the force write ratio (FRCRATIO) parameter
The FRCRATIO parameter on the create, change, or override database file command controls when database file changes are written to auxiliary storage.
- Specifying the force keyed access path (FRCACCPTH) parameter
The FRCACCPTH parameter controls whether access path changes are forced to auxiliary storage along with the associated records in a database file.
- Specifying the record format level check (LVLCHK) parameter
When a database file is opened, the system can check whether the file definition is changed. The LVLCHK parameter specifies the check for record format description changes.
- Specifying the access path maintenance (MAINT) parameter
The MAINT parameter specifies the type of access path maintenance for all members of a database file.
- Specifying the access path recovery (RECOVER) parameter
The RECOVER parameter specifies when changed access paths that are not journaled or forced to auxiliary storage are rebuilt after the system failure.
- Specifying the share open data path (SHARE) parameter
The system allows multiple users to access and change a database file at the same time. The SHARE parameter specifies whether the open data path (ODP) is shared with other programs in the same routing step.
- Specifying the maximum file and record wait time (WAITFILE and WAITRCD) parameters
The WAITFILE and WAITRCD parameters specify how long a program can wait for a file and a record in the file if another job has the file or record locked.
- Specifying the authority (AUT) parameter
Public authority is the authority given to users who do not have any specific authority to an object, who are not on the authorization list (if one is specified for the object), and whose group profile has no specific authority to the object. The AUT parameter specifies public authority to a database file.
- Specifying the system (SYSTEM) parameter
The SYSTEM parameter specifies whether a database file is created on the local system or on the remote system that supports distributed data management (DDM).
- Specifying the text description (TEXT) parameter
The TEXT parameter specifies the text that briefly describes a database file and member.
- Specifying the coded character set identifier (CCSID) parameter
A coded character set identifier (CCSID) is a 16-bit number that includes a specific set of encoding scheme identifiers, character set identifiers, code page identifiers, and other information that uniquely identifies the coded graphic-character representation. The CCSID parameter specifies the CCSID that describes character data in the fields of a file.
- Specifying the sort sequence (SRTSEQ) parameter
The SRTSEQ parameter specifies the sort sequence for a database file.
- Specifying the language identifier (LANGID) parameter
The LANGID parameter specifies the language identifier that the system uses when the sort sequence (SRTSEQ) parameter value is *LANGIDSHR or *LANGIDUNQ.
Parent topic:
Describing database files
Related reference
Create Physical File (CRTPF) command
Create Logical File (CRTLF) command
Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF) command
Add Physical File Member (ADDPFM) command
Add Logical File Member (ADDLFM) command
Change Physical File (CHGPF) command
Change Physical File Member (CHGPFM) command
Change Logical File (CHGLF) command
Change Logical File Member (CHGLFM) command
Change Source Physical File (CHGSRCPF) command