Example 10: A complex join logical file


This example shows a more complex join logical file.

Assume that the data is in the following three physical files:

Vendor Master File (PF1)
     A          R RCD1                      TEXT('VENDOR INFORMATION')
     A            VDRNBR         5          TEXT('VENDOR NUMBER')
     A            VDRNAM        25          TEXT('VENDOR NAME')
     A            STREET        15          TEXT('STREET ADDRESS')
     A            CITY          15          TEXT('CITY')
     A            STATE          2          TEXT('STATE')
     A            ZIPCODE        5          TEXT('ZIP CODE')
     A                                      DFT('00000')
     A            PAY            1          TEXT('PAY TERMS')

Order File (PF2) |...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 A R RCD2 TEXT('VENDORS ORDER') A VDRNUM 5S 0 TEXT('VENDOR NUMBER') A JOBNBR 6 TEXT('JOB NUMBER') A PRTNBR 5S 0 TEXT('PART NUMBER') A DFT(99999) A QORDER 3S 0 TEXT('QUANTITY ORDERED') A UNTPRC 6S 2 TEXT('PRICE') A

Part File (PF3) |...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 A R RCD3 TEXT('DESCRIPTION OF PARTS') A PRTNBR 5S 0 TEXT('PART NUMBER') A DFT(99999) A DESCR 25 TEXT('DESCRIPTION') A UNITPRICE 6S 2 TEXT('UNIT PRICE') A WHSNBR 3 TEXT('WAREHOUSE NUMBER') A PRTLOC 4 TEXT('LOCATION OF PART') A QOHAND 5 TEXT('QUANTITY ON HAND') A

The join logical file record format should contain the following fields:

The data description specifications (DDS) for this join logical file are shown as follows:

Join Logical File (JLF)
      A                                 1  DYNSLT       A                                 2 JDFTVAL       A          R RECORD1                   JFILE(PF1 PF2 PF3)
      A     3  J                           JOIN(1 2)
      A                                      JFLD(VDRNBR VDRNUM)
      A                                 4  JDUPSEQ(JOBNBR)
      A     5  J                           JOIN(2 3)
      A                                 6  JFLD(PRTNBR PRTNBR)
      A                                      JFLD(UNTPRC UNITPRICE)
      A       7  VDRNUM         5A  N      TEXT('CHANGED ZONED TO CHAR')
      A            VDRNAM       A            ADDRESS              8  CONCAT(STREET CITY STATE +
      A                                       ZIPCODE)
      A            JOBNBR       A            PRTNBR                9  JREF(2)
      A            DESCR       A            QORDER       A            UNTPRC       A            WHSNBR       A            PRTLOC       A    10  S VDRNAM                    COMP(EQ 'SEWING COMPANY')
      A          S QORDER                    COMP(GT 5)


The DYNSLT keyword is required because the JDFTVAL keyword and select fields are specified.


The JDFTVAL keyword is specified to pick up default values in physical files.


First join specification.


The JDUPSEQ keyword is specified because duplicate vendor numbers occur in PF2.


Second join specification.


Two JFLD keywords are specified to ensure that the correct records are joined from the PF2 and PF3 files.


The Vdrnum field is redefined from zoned decimal to character (because it is used as a join field and it does not have the same attributes in PF1 and PF2).


The CONCAT keyword concatenates four fields from the same physical file into one field.


The JREF keyword must be specified because the Prtnbr field exists in two physical files and you want to use the one in PF2.


The select/omit fields are Vdrnam and Qorder.

They come from two different physical files.)


Parent topic:

Setting up a join logical file