Subsystem descriptions and prestart job entries with DDM


A subsystem description defines how, where, and how much work enters a subsystem, and which resources the subsystem uses to perform the work.

The following paragraphs describe how the prestart job entries in the QUSRWRK subsystem description affect the DDM server.

A prestart job is a batch job that starts running before a program on a remote server initiates communications with the server. Prestart jobs use prestart job entries in the subsystem description to determine which program, class, and storage pool to use when the jobs are started. Within a prestart job entry, specify attributes that the subsystem uses to create and manage a pool of prestart jobs.

Prestart jobs provide increased performance when initiating a connection to a server. Prestart job entries are defined within a subsystem. Prestart jobs become active when that subsystem is started, or they can be controlled with the Start Prestart Job (STRPJ) and End Prestart Job (ENDPJ) commands.


Parent topic:

DDM server jobs