Restrictions for the SBMRMTCMD command
This topic describes restrictions for the SBMRMTCMD command.
- Although remote file processing is synchronous within the user's job, which includes two separate jobs (one running on each server), file processing on the target server operates independently of the source server. Commands such as Override with Database File (OVRDBF), Override with Message File (OVRMSGF), and Delete Override (DLTOVR) that are dependent on the specific position of a program in a program stack (recursion level) or request level might not function as expected.
For example, when multiple recursion levels that involve overrides at each level occur on the source server, and one or more overrides at a given level are submitted to the target server on the SBMRMTCMD command, the target server job has no way of knowing the level of the source server job. That is, a target server override can still be in effect after the source server override for a particular recursion level has ended.
- Output (such as spooled files) created by a submitted command exists only on the target server. The output is not sent back to the source server.
- Some types of CL commands should not be submitted to a target iSeries™ server. The following items are examples of types that are not the intended purpose of the SBMRMTCMD command and that might produce undesirable results:
- All of the OVRxxxF commands that refer to database files, message files, and device files (including communications and save files).
- All of the DSPxxxx commands, because the output results remain at the target server.
- Job-related commands like Reroute Job (RRTJOB) that are used to control a target server's job. The Change Job (CHGJOB) command, however, can be used.
- Commands that are used to service programs, like Service Job (SRVJOB), Trace Job (TRCJOB), Trace Internal (TRCINT), or Dump Job (DMPJOB).
- Commands that might cause inquiry messages to be sent to the system operator, like Start Printer Writer (STRPRTWTR). (Pass-through can be used instead.)
- Commands that attempt to change the Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) of the target job (for example, SETASPGRP) should not be issued using Submit Remote Command.
- Translation is not performed for any immediate messages created by the target server, because they are not stored on the server; the text for an immediate message is sent directly to the source server to be displayed. (For all other message types, the target server sends back a message identifier; the message text that exists on the source server for that message identifier is the text that is displayed. This message text is whatever the source server text has been translated to.)
- A maximum of 10 messages, created during the running of a submitted command, can be sent by the target server to the source server. If more than 10 messages are created, an additional informational message is sent that indicates where the messages exist (such as in a job log) on the target server. If one of those messages is an escape message, the first nine messages of other types are sent, followed by the informational message and the escape message.
- The only types of messages that are sent by the target server are completion, informational, diagnostic, and escape messages.
Parent topic:
SBMRMTCMD (Submit Remote Command) command
Related reference
iSeries and System/38 target systems on the SBMRMTCMD command
Reclaim DDM Conversations (RCLDDMCNV) command