PL/I considerations for DDM


Compiled programs can refer to DDM files. In addition, DDM file names can be specified on the Create PL/I Program (CRTPLIPGM) command.

A DDM file can be used to refer to remote record files or remote stream files. When a program opens a DDM file on the source server, the following types of statements can be used to perform I/O operations on the remote file at the target server, for both iSeries and non-iSeries targets: OPEN, CLOSE, READ, WRITE, REWRITE, and DELETE statements for processing record files, and GET and PUT statements for processing stream files.

Another consideration is if the target server is not an iSeries server or a System/38, the POSITION parameter on a keyed READ statement to read from a remote file does not work if a value of NXTEQL, PRVEQL, NXTUNQ, or PRVUNQ is specified for the parameter. (The values of NEXT, PREVIOUS, FIRST, and LAST do work.) All the values are valid if the target system is an iSeries server or a System/38.


Parent topic:

Programming language considerations for DDM