Member names and iSeries target servers on the ALCOBJ command


If a member name is specified with the DDM file name on an ALCOBJ command, the member (in the remote file) is locked with the lock type specified on the command.

If a member name is also specified in the DDM file itself, the member names on both commands (ALCOBJ and CRTDDMF) must be the same. If they are different, the lock request is rejected and an error message is sent to the user of the program. The remote file containing the member is locked with a shared-read lock regardless of the lock type specified for the member.

If no member name is specified when a DDM file name is specified on an ALCOBJ command for a remote file on an iSeries™ server or a System/38™, *FIRST is the default, and the target server attempts to locate and lock the first member in the remote file, the same as if it had been specified by name. If a remote file has no members, the lock request is rejected with an error message.


Parent topic:

ALCOBJ (Allocate Object) command