Member-related commands with DDM


Database file operations that apply to a member can be used by DDM.

When the name of a DDM file is specified on any of the following CL commands, i5/OS® DDM accesses the remote file (and member) referred to by the DDM file. However, as indicated in the chart, some of these commands are valid only when the remote file is on an iSeries™ server or a System/38™.

Command name Descriptive name
ADDPFM1 Add Physical File Member
ADDLFM6 Add Logical File Member
ALCOBJ Allocate Object
CHGLFM1 Change Logical File Member
CHGPFM1 Change Physical File Member
CLOF Close File
CLRPFM Clear Physical File Member
CPYF2 Copy File
CPYFRMTAP Copy From Tape
CPYSPLF Copy Spooled File
CPYSRCF1 Copy Source File
DCLF Declare File
DLCOBJ Deallocate Object
DSPFD3 Display File Description
DSPFFD3 Display File Field Description
DSPPFM Display Physical File Member
INZPFM1 Initialize Physical File Member
OPNDBF4 Open Database File
OPNQRYF1 Open Query File
OVRDBF5 Override Database File
POSDBF Position Database File
RCVF Receive File
RCVNETF Receive Network File
RGZPFM1 Reorganize Physical File Member
RMVM1 Remove Member
RNMM1 Rename Member
SNDNETF Send Network File


The target system must be an iSeries server or a System/38.


For other DDM-related considerations about this command, see Copy commands with DDM.


These commands display remote file information if the SYSTEM parameter specifies *RMT or *ALL.


For information about commitment control, see Commitment control support for DDM.


This command does not access the remote file.


The target server must be an iSeries server.

The Submit Remote Command (SBMRMTCMD) command can also be used to submit some of the commands to a target server.

The Send Network File (SNDNETF) and Receive Network File (RCVNETF) commands, whenever possible, should run on the server on which the data exists, rather than using a DDM file to access the remote file.


Parent topic:

DDM-related CL command lists


Related reference

DDM-related CL command summary charts
Copy commands with DDM
Use of object distribution
Commitment control support for DDM