Distributed data management


This topic contains i5/OS® distributed data management (DDM) concepts, information about preparing for DDM communications, and DDM-related programming information.

Although this topic collection does contain some information about systems other than iSeries™, it does not contain all the information that the other system types might need to communicate with the iSeries server using DDM. For complete information for a particular remote system type, refer to that system's documentation. In this topic collection, the term DDM refers to the distributed data management architecture used by distributed data management (DDM) to define the protocols used for communicating between systems. DDM is also used to refer to the following items:

This topic is intended for application programmers who are using i5/OS distributed data management (DDM) to prepare a system to access data in remote files and to control access to local files by remote systems.

Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA®) also uses the DDM architecture.

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Related concepts

Distributed database programming