Communications setup for DDM examples and tasks


These topics describe the network in which DDM is used for these task examples.

The network contains a central server in Philadelphia (an iSeries™ server), two remote iSeries servers in Toronto and New York City, a System/38™ in Chicago, and a System/36™ in Dallas. The Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) network for these servers was configured with the values shown in the following figure.

In this set of task examples, the System/36 has Release 5 of DDM installed and DDM with the compatible PTF installed. The System/38 has Release 8 of CPF installed with the DDM licensed program and the compatible program temporary fix (PTF) change applied to the server. Figure 1. DDM network used in ORDERENT application tasks

The names for the servers are DAL (in Dallas), NYC (in New York), TOR (in Toronto), CHIC (in Chicago), and PHILLY (in Philadelphia).


Parent topic:

Examples: Code DDM-related tasks