Create an application server instance with the crtwasinst script

You can use the crtwasinst script from Qshell to create an application server instance. You can create multiple WebSphere Application Server - Express instances that are completely isolated from one another. For example, you can create separate instances for application development and application testing, or you can create one instance with security enabled and one with security disabled.

The crtwasinst script creates a new instance that contains one application server. It also creates the required directories and sets up the correct authorities. For information on running Qshell scripts, see Configure Qshell to run WebSphere Application Server - Express scripts.


To run this script, your iSeries user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


To create a new instance with the crtwasinst script, follow these steps:

    On the CL command line, enter the STRQSH (Start Qshell) command.

    Run the cd command to change to the directory that contains the script:

    cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebASE51/ASE/bin

    Run the crtwasinst script:

    crtwasinst -instance instance -portblock port

    where instance is the name of the instance that is created and port is the first of a block of ports.


The syntax of the script is shown below.

crtwasinst -instance instance [ -portblock portblock ]
 [ -server servername ] [ -exthttp exthttpport ] [ -extssl extsslport ]
 [ -inthttp inthttpport ] [ -admin adminport ] [ -adminssl adminsslport ]
 [ -soap soapport ] [ -nameservice nameserviceport ] [ -sas sasserverport ]
 [ -csiv2server csiv2serverauthport ] [ -csiv2client csiv2clientauthport ]
 [ -verbose ] [ -help ]


The parameters of the script are:


In this example, the script creates an instance named devinst.

crtwasinst -instance devinst -portblock 10320