External table description (QAQQQRYI) - Summary Row for SQL Information
Table 1. QAQQQRYI - Summary Row for SQL Information Column Name Description QQKEY Join column (unique per query) used to link rows for a single query together QQTIME Time row was created QQJOB Job name QQUSER Job user QQJNUM Job number QQTHID Thread Id QQUDEF User defined column QQPLIB Name of the library containing the program or package QQCNAM Cursor name QQPNAM Name of the package or name of the program that contains the current SQL statement QQSNAM Name of the statement for SQL statement, if applicable QQCNT Statement usage count QQAVGT Average runtime (ms) QQMINT Minimum runtime (ms) QQMAXT Maximum runtime (ms) QQOPNT Open time for most expensive execution (ms) QQFETT Fetch time for most expensive execution (ms) QQCLST Close time for most expensive execution (ms) QQOTHT Other time for most expensive execution (ms) QQLTU Time statement last used QQMETU Most expensive time used QQAPRT Access plan rebuild time QQFULO Number of full opens QQPSUO Number of pseudo-opens QQTOTR Total rows in table if non-join QQRROW Number of result rows returned QQRROW Statement function S - Select
U - Update
I - Insert
D - Delete
L - Data definition language
O - OtherQQSTOP Statement operation
- AD - Allocate descriptor
- AL - Alter table
- AP - Alter procedure
- AQ - Alter sequence
- CA - Call
- CC - Create collection
- CD - Create type
- CF - Create function
- CG - Create trigger
- CI - Create index
- CL - Close
- CM - Commit
- CN - Connect
- CO - Comment on
- CP - Create procedure
- CQ - Create sequence
- CS - Create alias/synonym
- CT - Create table
- CV - Create view
- DA - Deallocate descriptor
- DE - Describe
- DI - Disconnect
- DL - Delete
QQSTOP (continued)
- DM - Describe parameter marker
- DP - Declare procedure
- DR - Drop
- DT - Describe table
- EI - Execute immediate
- EX - Execute
- FE - Fetch
- FL - Free locator
- GR - Grant
- GS - Get descriptor
- HC - Hard close
- HL - Hold locator
- IN - Insert
- JR - Server job reused
- LK - Lock
- LO - Label on
- MT - More text (Depreciated in V5R4)
- OP - Open
- PD - Prepare and describe
- PR - Prepare
- RB - Rollback to savepoint
- RE - Release
- RF - Refresh Table
- RG - Resignal
- RO - Rollback
- RS - Release Savepoint
- RT - Rename table
- RV - Revoke
- SA - Savepoint
- SC - Set connection
- SD - Set descriptor
- SE - Set encryption password
- SN - Set session user
- SI - Select into
- SO - Set current degree
- SP - Set path
- SR - Set result set
- SS - Set current schema
- ST - Set transaction
- SV - Set variable
- UP - Update
- VI - Values into
- X0 - Unknown statement
QQSTOP (continued)
- X1 - Unknown statement
- X2 - DRDA® (AS) Unknown statement
- X3 - Unknown statement
- X9 - Internal error
- XA - X/Open API
- ZD - Host server only activity
QQODPI ODP implementation R - Reusable ODP (ISV)
N - Non-reusable ODP (V2)QQHVI Host variable implementation I - Interface supplied values (ISV)
V - Host variables treated as constants (V2)
U - Table management row positioning (UP)QQAPR Access plan rebuilt
- A1 - A table or member is not the same object as the one referenced when the access plan was last built. Some reasons they may be different are:
- Object was deleted and recreated.
- Object was saved and restored.
- Library list was changed.
- Object was renamed.
- Object was moved.
- Object was overridden to a different object.
- This is the first run of this query after the object containing the query has been restored.
- A2 - Access plan was built to use a reusable Open Data Path (ODP) and the optimizer chose to use a non-reusable ODP for this call.
- A3 - Access plan was built to use a non-reusable Open Data Path (ODP) and the optimizer chose to use a reusable ODP for this call.
- A4 - The number of rows in the table has changed by more than 10% since the access plan was last built.
- A5 - A new index exists over one of the tables in the query.
- A6 - An index that was used for this access plan no longer exists or is no longer valid.
- A7 - i5/OS® Query requires the access plan to be rebuilt because of system programming changes.
- A8 - The CCSID of the current job is different than the CCSID of the job that last created the access plan.
- A9 - The value of one or more of the following is different for the current job than it was for the job that last created this access plan:
- date format
- date separator
- time format
- time separator
QQAPR (continued)
- AA - The sort sequence table specified is different than the sort sequence table that was used when this access plan was created.
- AB - Storage pool changed or DEGREE parameter of CHGQRYA command changed.
- AC - The system feature DB2® multisystem has been installed or removed.
- AD - The value of the degree query attribute has changed.
- AE - A view is either being opened by a high level language or a view is being materialized.
- AF - A sequence object or user-defined type or function is not the same object as the one referred to in the access plan; or, the SQL path used to generate the access plan is different than the current SQL path.
- B0 - The options specified have changed as a result of the query options file QAQQINI.
- B1 - The access plan was generated with a commitment control level that is different in the current job.
- B2 - The access plan was generated with a static cursor answer set size that is different than the previous access plan.
- B3 - The query was reoptimized because this is the first run of the query after a prepare. That is, it is the first run with real actual parameter marker values.
- B4 - The query was reoptimized because referential or check constraints have changed.
- B5 - The query was reoptimized because Materialized Query Tables have changed.
QQDACV Data conversion
- N - No.
- 0 - Not applicable.
- 1 - Lengths do not match.
- 2 - Numeric types do not match.
- 3 - C host variable is NUL-terminated.
- 4 - Host variable or column is variable length and the other is not variable length.
- 5 - Host variable or column is not variable length and the other is variable length.
- 6 - Host variable or column is variable length and the other is not variable length.
- 7 - CCSID conversion.
- 8 - DRDA and NULL capable, variable length, contained in a partial row, derived expression, or blocked fetch with not enough host variables.
- 9 - Target table of an insert is not an SQL table.
- 10 - Host variable is too short to hold a TIME or TIMESTAMP value being retrieved.
- 11 - Host variable is DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP and value being retrieved is a character string.
- 12 - Too many host variables specified and records are blocked.
- 13 - DRDA used for a blocked FETCH and the number of host variables specified in the INTO clause is less than the number of result values in the select list.
- 14 - LOB locator used and the commitment control level was not *ALL.
QQCTS Statement table scan usage count QQCIU Statement index usage count QQCIC Statement index creation count QQCSO Statement sort usage count QQCTF Statement temporary table count QQCIA Statement index advised count QQCAPR Statement access plan rebuild count QQARSS Average result set size QQC11 Reserved QQC12 Reserved QQC21 Reserved QQC22 Reserved QQI1 Reserved QQI2 Reserved QQC301 Reserved QQC302 Reserved QQC1000 Reserved
Parent topic:
Memory Resident Database Monitor: DDS