

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Exporting the portal EAR file

When you configure WSRP security by LTPA authentication, you start by exporting the portal EAR file so that you can later make the modifications required for LTPA authentication.

Export the portal EAR file, wps.ear, according to your network configuration. If you have a cluster environment, export the portal EAR file from the Network Deployment (ND) machine.

Before you start this task, make sure that all of the following is true:

  1. The administrative server of the WebSphere Application Server has been started:

    • If the portal runs in a base application server node, make sure that the administration server is running. The default name is server1.

    • If the portal runs in a Network Deployment (ND) cell, make sure that the Deployment Manager (DM) and all node agents are running.

  2. You are logged in by using the WebSphere Application Server administrative user ID.

To export the portal EAR file, proceed by the following steps:

  1. At a command line, change to the directory was_profile_root/bin, or, if you have a portal cluster installation, change to the directory dmgr_profile_root/bin.

  2. Export the wps.ear file to a temporary directory by using the wsadmin command. Make sure that all commands are entered on one line. Invoke the command as follows:

    • Linux:

      ./wsadmin.sh -user admin_user_id -password admin_password -c '$AdminApp export wps temp_directory/wps.ear'

    • i5/OS:

      wsadmin -profileName profile_root -user admin_user_id -password admin_password -c '$AdminApp export wps temp_directory/wps.ear'

    • Windows:

      wsadmin.bat -user admin_user_id -password admin_password -c "$AdminApp export wps temp_directory\wps.ear"


    • For i5/OS: profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile directory where the portal is installed; for example wp_profile.

    • admin_user_id is the WebSphere Application Server administrator user ID.

    • admin_password is the WebSphere Application Server administrator password.

    • temp_directory is the temporary directory to which you export the portal EAR file.


Parent topic:

Securing WSRP by LTPA for a Producer portal


Next topic

Importing the portal EAR file into an assembly tool