

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Search by external search services

You can have external users search the portal site by using search services such as Google or Yahoo!

Search on the portal site by external search services works for public portal pages only, that is, for pages that users can access without a user ID and password.

To make the portal available for search by external search services, register it with the external search service(s) of your choice. Give the URL of the portal to the search service providers so that they can crawl and index the portal site. Depending on how you customize the portal, you might consider indicating the Site Map page rather than the portal home page, or otherwise enhancing the configuration. For details about such scenarios refer to the optional steps in the following section.


Configure the portal site for search by external search services

Optionally, you can configure several additional aspects for search on the portal by external search services:


Parent topic:

Search by external users on the portal site