Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows
Specifying connection time out
The read timeout parameter is an integer representing the timeout value in milliseconds.
The timeout is in effect after a connection is established and while waiting for the Web server to respond, or complete a response, to a request.
When the clipper encounters this timeout while attempting to read data from the backend Web server, the portlet will terminate the connection and log an error to the WebSphere Portal Express log file. The log message will include the administrative name of the portlet as well as the URL being fetched. Customers will be able to scan that log file for the particular error and react accordingly. Note that the format of the message and its message ID may change over time, so it is suggested that the text of the message itself be the subject of the scan.
In addition, this is not a connection timeout, but a read timeout. When Web servers are under heavy load, connections are usually successful. However, the server cannot send data across the connection fast enough. It is not a check for when connections cannot be established, but for when long delays exist between packets of data being received on the response. When connections cannot be established, the socket layer default connection timeout of 30 seconds will occur.
Parent topic:
Using Web clipping to import content