Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows
Configuration task reference
All of these tasks assume that the WebSphere Portal Express installation program has been run, and the product files are available.
For i5/OS all necessary profiles have been created.
The task dependencies are included for informational purposes only.
All configuration tasks must be run as root (Linux) or as Administrator (Windows).
The user running configuration tasks needs to have read, write, and execute permissions on...
- /PortalServer
- /AppServer
For i5/OS...
- You must have an OS/400 user profile of user type *SECOFR to configure WebSphere Portal Express.
- Use SBMJOB to submit a Qshell script with any database task as a batch job to run in *BASE pool when *INTERACT pool does not have 1 GB or more of allocated memory.
The following files are referred to as WebSphere Portal Express configuration properties files:
wpconfig.properties all none database related properties wpconfig_dbdomain.properties all database domain specific properties wpconfig_dbtype.properties all database type specific properties
For database related properties:
Depending on which database has to be configured, dbdomain has to be replaced by:
- release
- customization
- community
- jcr
- likeminds
- feedback
- wmm
Depending on which database type is used, dbtype has to be replaced by:
WebSphere Portal Express base tasks
Base tasks are invoked by running the WPSconfig script.
- Linux:
WPSconfig.sh -Dproperty1=value1 -Dproperty2=value2 task-name- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat -Dproperty1=value1 -Dproperty2=value2 task-name
i5/OS: cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/configWPSconfig.sh -Dproperty1=value1 -Dproperty2=value2 task-name
For security reasons, you should not leave passwords in the WebSphere Portal Express configuration properties files. IBM recommends that you choose one of the following options:
- Edit the configuration properties files prior to running a configuration task, inserting the passwords needed for that task. Then, after the task has run, you delete all passwords.
- Specify the required passwords on the command line.
WPSconfig.sh -profileName wp_profile validate-wps-admin-login -DPortalAdminPwd=password
If you select the Install and Configure option when installing WebSphere Portal Express, the passwords in the WebSphere Portal Express configuration properties files are automatically removed after configuration.
Post-install and configuration task that removes WebSphere Portal Express artifacts that were placed during the archive install. Can be run manually immediately after a successful install.The purpose of this task is to import WebSphere Portal Express configurations from another environment. Do not use this task to remove unused applications and/or to clean the system for performance issues. If you use this task for any other purpose than importing WebSphere Portal Express configurations, your system may become inoperable.
Invoke as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh action-empty-portal
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat action-empty-portal
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root action-empty-portal
Input Description PortalAdminIdShort The short name for the administrator id. PortalAdminPwd The administrator password. Assumptions/Prerequisites: No custom configuration has been applied after installation.
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: start-portal-server: WebSphere Portal Express must be running in order to invoke the XMLAccess tool.
Modifies ports. Validation is not done on the ports to check for port conflicts.
Invoke as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
Using StartPort:
- Linux:
- ./WPSconfig.sh action-modify-ports-by-startport -DModifyPortsServer=server1 -DStartPort=20000
- ./WPSconfig.sh action-modify-ports-by-startport -DModifyPortsServer=WebSphere_Portal -DStartPort=20000
- Windows:
- WPSconfig.bat action-modify-ports-by-startport -DModifyPortsServer=server1 -DStartPort=20000
- WPSconfig.bat action-modify-ports-by-startport -DModifyPortsServer=WebSphere_Portal -DStartPort=20000
Using PortsFile:
- Linux:
- ./WPSconfig.sh action-modify-ports-by-portsfile -DModifyPortsServer=server1 -DPortsFile=/tmp/WPDefaultPortsFile.props
- ./WPSconfig.sh action-modify-ports-by-portsfile -DModifyPortsServer=WebSphere_Portal -DPortsFile=/tmp/WPDefaultPortsFile.props
- Windows:
- WPSconfig.bat action-modify-ports-by-portsfile -DModifyPortsServer=server1 -DPortsFile=/tmp/WPDefaultPortsFile.props
- WPSconfig.bat action-modify-ports-by-portsfile -DModifyPortsServer=WebSphere_Portal -DPortsFile=/tmp/WPDefaultPortsFile.props
Input Description ModifyPortsServer The server on which the ports should be modified. StartPort The starting port block value. PortsFile The full path to the file with the port name and the value pairs.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The WebSphere Portal Express properties file, wpconfig.properties must contain the following:
Input Description WpsInstallLocation The WebSphere Portal Express install location. NodeName The node on which you are modifying ports.
Password considerations: None
Error conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: action-modify-ports-by-startport, action-modify-ports-by-portsfile
Post-install task that pre-compiles all the JSP pages in the WebSphere Portal Express Server. Running this task decreases the initial load times of the WebSphere Portal Express pages.
Invoked manually post-install as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh action-precompile-jsp
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat action-precompile-jsp
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileNameprofile_root action-precompile-jsp -DApplication=Name
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Task invoked: None
Starts an application installed or mapped to WebSphere_Portal server.This task calls only WAS wsadmin; it does not update the WebSphere Portal Express database and registries. If you run the task from WAS, the start status may not display in the manage applications and manage portlets pages. If you start it in WAS there is no update in WebSphere Portal Express.
Invoke as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh action-start-application -DApplication=Name
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat action-start-application -DApplication=Name
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root action-start-application -DApplication=Name
Input Description Application Application name to be started.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Use with single WAS installation.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Stops an application installed or mapped to WebSphere_Portal server.This task calls only WAS wsadmin; it does not update the WebSphere Portal Express database and registries. If you run the task from WAS, the stopped status may not display in the manage applications and manage portlets pages. If you stop it in WAS there is no update in WebSphere Portal Express.
Invoke as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh action-stop-application -DApplication=Name
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat action-stop-application -DApplication=Name
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root action-stop-application -DApplication=Name
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs passed with the command line:
Input Description Application Application name to be stopped.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Use with single WAS installation.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Activates the deployed portlets in a cluster.If you run the activate-portlets task while you are logged in to WebSphere Portal Express, log out and log back in before you can see the updated status for the portlets.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh activate-portlets
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat activate-portlets
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root activate-portlets
Inputs: Takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description dbdomain.DbType The type of database used with WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database. dbdomain.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database dbdomain.DbUrl The database URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database with JDBC. dbdomain.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user. dbdomain.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user password.
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description PortalAdminId The user ID for the WebSphere Portal Express Administrator PortalAdminPwd The password for the WebSphere Portal Express Administrator
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The WebSphere_Portal server must be up and running when this command is invoked.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -DPortalAdminPwd=password
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the WebSphere_Portal server is not running.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: action-export-all-portlets, action-transform-activate-scripts, action-full-sync-nodes, action-start-all-portlets
This task is only required in a clustered environment when using Member Manager user registry security mode. This task archives Member Manager binaries and WebSphere Portal Express scripting prerequisites from the WebSphere Portal Express system into the wasextarchive.jar file in the portal_server_root/config/work directory.If there is an existing wasextarchive.jar file in the output directory, it will be deleted first before the new file is created.
The archive must then be manually copied and unarchived on the WebSphere Portal Express Network Deployment system before enabling security using the Member Manager user registry mode on a federated node. The archive also needs to be copied and unarchived on other WebSphere Portal Express only nodes in the cell which has Member Manager user registry security mode enabled.
Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh archive-was-ext
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat archive-was-ext
Inputs: None.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None.
Password considerations: None.
Error Conditions: None.
Task dependencies: None.
Make a backup copy of the WebSphere Portal Express configuration properties files. This task can be performed at any time to retain a version of the properties used during configuration.Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh backup-main-cfg-file
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat backup-main-cfg-file
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root backup-main-cfg-file
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The backup copies are named...
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the WebSphere Portal Express configuration properties files cannot be found.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Performs cleanup of working config files.
Deletes working config files for security or to save disk space. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh cleanup-work-dir
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat cleanup-work-dir
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root cleanup-work-dir
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the WebSphere Portal Express product files are not found.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Changes the WAS internal transport port with the WpsHostPort value from the wpconfig.properties file.
Changes the WpsHostPort to the WAS internal transport port. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh config-was-internal-http
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat config-was-internal-http
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root config-was-internal-http
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Error Conditions: This task can only be used if running without an HTTP server.
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: action-set-http-transport, action-create-host-alias
Connects the database for clustered installation by removing the old datasources and JDBC providers and creating new datasources and JDBC providers. The required JNDI links are updated.
Invoked to connect the database for clustered installation. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh connect-database
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat connect-database
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. dbtype.JdbcProviderName The name of the JDBC Provider to be used.
This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description dbdomain.DbType Type of database to configure:
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
dbdomain.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database. dbdomain.DbSchema The database schema WebSphere Portal Express name. dbdomain.DataSourceName The name of the datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal Express database. dbdomain.XDbName Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. The name of the Windows database loop back alias. dbdomain.DbNode Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. The node for the Windows database. dbdomain.DbUrl The URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express database with JDBC. dbdomain.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the WebSphere Portal Express tables and database resources. dbdomain.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: action-remove-datasource-foundation action-remove-jdbcprovider-foundation connect-database-pzn connect-database-content-management action-create-jdbcprovider-foundation action-create-datasource-foundation action-modify-attributes-ear-wmm-jndi-wmm-ds action-modify-attributes-ear-wps-jndi-wps-ds action-modify-scheduler-cleanup-daemon-jndi-wps-ds action-config-portal-transfer action-set-shared-library action-stop-node-manager action-start-node-manager
Creates the WebSphere Portal Express and WMM databases for DB2 only.
Invoked to create the WebSphere and WMM databases for use with DB2. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh create-all-db
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat create-all-db
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root create-all-db
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description db2.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. db2.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. db2.JdbcProviderName The name of the JDBC Provider to be used.
The following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description dbdomain.DbType The type of database used withWebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database. dbdomain.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database. dbdomain.DbSchema The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database schema name. dbdomain.DataSourceName The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database dbdomain.DbUrl The database URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database with JDBC. dbdomain.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user. dbdomain.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user password. dbdomain.XDbName Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. The name of the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database loop back alias.
dbdomain.DbNode Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. The node for the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Drelease.DbPassword=password
- -Dcustomization.DbPassword=password
- -Dcommunity.DbPassword=password
- -Djcr.DbPassword=password
- -Dwmm.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Creates a DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database in a local DB2 installation to store Document Manager, Personalization, and Feedback data.
Invoked to create a local DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition DB2 database. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh create-db2-database-jcr
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat create-db2-database-jcr
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. JcrDbUrl The JDBC URL to the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database. JcrDbUser The DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database user. JcrDbPassword The DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database user password. DbType The type of database used with WebSphere Portal Express.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Must have DB2 installed and running.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DJcrDbPassword=password
Error Conditions: The task will fail if DB2 is not installed and running.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Creates all the local DB2 databases used with WebSphere Portal Express and Personalization.
Invoked for convenience to automatically create the local DB2 databases. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh create-local-database-db2
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat create-local-database-db2
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: DB2 must be installed locally. For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task.
Error Conditions: Task will fail if DB2 is not installed.
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Transfers existing data from one supported database to another.
Invoked to transfer existing data from one, more than one, or all source databases. For example, to transfer all source databases:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh database-transfer
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat database-transfer
- i5/OS:
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root database-transfer
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. dbtype.JdbcProviderName The name of the JDBC Provider to be used.
This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description dbdomain.DbType Type of database to configure:
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
dbdomain.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database. dbdomain.DbSchema The database schema WebSphere Portal Express name. dbdomain.DataSourceName The name of the datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal Express database. dbdomain.XDbName Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. The name of the Windows database loop back alias. dbdomain.DbNode Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. The node for the Windows database. dbdomain.DbUrl The URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express database with JDBC. dbdomain.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the WebSphere Portal Express tables and database resources. dbdomain.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator password.
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description WasPassword The password for WAS security authentication.
If a value is specified for WasPassword, a value must also be specified for WasUserid. If WasPassword is left blank, WasUserid must also be left blank.
Type: Alphanumeric text string
Recommended: Set this value according to a environment.
Default: ReplaceWithYourWASUserPwd
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Error Conditions: If you have configured security while configuring to use a database other than the default database, do not run the database-transfer task a second time. This task will not transfer the data inserted during the enable-security task, and will cause WebSphere Portal Express to become inoperable. To recover from this situation, you would have to disable and re-enable security.
Task dependencies: init, stop-portal-server
Tasks invoked: action-database-transfer-export-wps, action-remove-datasource-wps, action-remove-datasource-wmm, action-remove-jdbcprovider-wps
Transfers WebSphere Portal Express data (user data and user objects) from one supported database to another.
During basic configuration, data is installed to DB2.
This task transfers data to a production database of a different type.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh database-transfer-community
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat database-transfer-community
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description community.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
community.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. community.DbUrl The URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express database with JDBC. community.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for WebSphere Portal Express tables. community.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the WebSphere Portal Express tables and database resources. community.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator password.
Additionally, this task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_sourceDb.properties file. These values should point to the database from which you are transferring the data:
Input Description source.community.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
source.community.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. source.community.DbUrl The URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express database with JDBC. source.community.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for WebSphere Portal Express tables. source.community.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the WebSphere Portal Express tables and database resources. source.community.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: WebSphere Portal Express database exists currently in the source database. For databases other than local DB2, the database must have been created according to specifications in the information center and accessible during the transfer process.
Error Conditions: Database not accessible.
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Transfers WebSphere Portal Express data (user data and user objects) from one supported database to another.
During basic configuration, data is installed to DB2.
This task transfers data to a production database of a different type.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh database-transfer-customization
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat database-transfer-customization
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description customization.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
customization.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. customization.DbUrl The URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express database with JDBC. customization.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for WebSphere Portal Express tables. customization.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the WebSphere Portal Express tables and database resources. customization.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator password.
Additionally, this task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_sourceDb.properties file. These values should point to the database from which you are transferring the data:
Input Description source.customization.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
source.customization.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. source.customization.DbUrl The URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express database with JDBC. source.customization.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for WebSphere Portal Express tables. source.customization.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the WebSphere Portal Express tables and database resources. source.customization.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: WebSphere Portal Express database exists currently in the source database. For databases other than local DB2, the database must have been created according to specifications in the information center and accessible during the transfer process.
Error Conditions: Database not accessible.
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Transfers Feedback data (user data and user objects) from one supported database to another.
During basic configuration, data is installed to DB2.
This task transfers data to a production database of a different type.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh database-transfer-feedback
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat database-transfer-feedback
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description feedback.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
feedback.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. feedback.DbUrl The URL used to access the Feedback database with JDBC. feedback.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for Feedback tables. feedback.DbUser The Feedback database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the Feedback tables and database resources. feedback.DbPassword The Feedback database administrator password.
Additionally, this task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_sourceDb.properties file. These values should point to the database from which you are transferring the data:
Input Description source.feedback.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
source.feedback.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. source.feedback.DbUrl The URL used to access the Feedback database with JDBC. source.feedback.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for Feedback tables. source.feedback.DbUser The Feedback database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the Feedback tables and database resources. source.feedback.DbPassword The Feedback database administrator password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Feedback database exists currently in the source database. For databases other than local DB2, the database must have been created according to specifications in the information center and accessible during the transfer process.
Error Conditions: Database not accessible.
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Transfers DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition data (user data and user objects) from one supported database to another.
During basic configuration, data is installed to DB2. This task transfers data to a production database of a different type.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh database-transfer-jcr
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat database-transfer-jcr
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description jcr.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
jcr.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. jcr.DbUrl The URL used to access the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database with JDBC. jcr.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition tables. jcr.DbUser The DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition tables and database resources. jcr.DbPassword The DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database administrator password.
Additionally, this task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_sourceDb.properties file. These values should point to the database from which you are transferring the data:
Input Description source.jcr.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
source.jcr.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. source.jcr.DbUrl The URL used to access the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database with JDBC. source.jcr.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition tables. source.jcr.DbUser The DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition tables and database resources. source.jcr.DbPassword The DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database administrator password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database exists currently in the source database. For databases other than local DB2, the database must have been created according to specifications in the information center and accessible during the transfer process.
Error Conditions: Database not accessible.
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Transfers LikeMinds data (user data and user objects) from one supported database to another.
During basic configuration, data is installed to DB2.
This task transfers data to a production database of a different type.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh database-transfer-likeminds
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat database-transfer-likeminds
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description likeminds.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
likeminds.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. likeminds.DbUrl The URL used to access the LikeMinds database with JDBC. likeminds.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for LikeMinds tables. likeminds.DbUser The LikeMinds database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the LikeMinds tables and database resources. likeminds.DbPassword The LikeMinds database administrator password.
Additionally, this task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_sourceDb.properties file. These values should point to the database from which you are transferring the data:
Input Description source.likeminds.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
source.likeminds.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. source.likeminds.DbUrl The URL used to access the LikeMinds database with JDBC. source.likeminds.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for LikeMinds tables. source.likeminds.DbUser The LikeMinds database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the LikeMinds tables and database resources. source.likeminds.DbPassword The LikeMinds database administrator password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: LikeMinds database exists currently in the source database. For databases other than local DB2, the database must have been created according to specifications in the information center and accessible during the transfer process.
Error Conditions: Database not accessible.
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Transfers WebSphere Portal Express data (user data and user objects) from one supported database to another.
During basic configuration, data is installed to DB2.
This task transfers data to a production database of a different type.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh database-transfer-release
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat database-transfer-release
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description release.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
release.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. release.DbUrl The URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express database with JDBC. release.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for WebSphere Portal Express tables. release.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the WebSphere Portal Express tables and database resources. release.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator password.
Additionally, this task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_sourceDb.properties file. These values should point to the database from which you are transferring the data:
Input Description source.release.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
source.release.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. source.release.DbUrl The URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express database with JDBC. source.release.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express database for WebSphere Portal Express tables. source.release.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the WebSphere Portal Express tables and database resources. source.release.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express database administrator password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: WebSphere Portal Express database exists currently in the source database. For databases other than local DB2, the database must have been created according to specifications in the information center and accessible during the transfer process.
Error Conditions: Database not accessible.
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Transfers Member Manager data (user data and user objects) from one supported database to another.
During basic configuration, data is installed to DB2. This task transfers data to a production database of a different type.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh database-transfer-wmm
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat database-transfer-wmm
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description wmm.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
wmm.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. wmm.DbUrl The URL used to access the Member Manager database with JDBC. wmm.DbName The name of the Member Manager database for Member Manager tables. wmm.DbUser The Member Manager database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the Member Manager tables and database resources. wmm.DbPassword The Member Manager database administrator password.
Additionally, this task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_sourceDb.properties file. These values should point to the database from which you are transferring the data:
Input Description source.wmm.DbType Type of database to configure
- db2
- db2_iseries
- oracle
- sqlserver
source.wmm.DbLibrary The directory path where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. source.wmm.DbUrl The URL used to access the Member Manager database with JDBC. source.wmm.DbName The name of the Member Manager database for Member Manager tables. source.wmm.DbUser The Member Manager database administrator UserID, which is also used as the schema name for the Member Manager tables and database resources. source.wmm.DbPassword The Member Manager database administrator password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Member Manager database exists currently in the source database. For databases other than local DB2, the database must have been created according to specifications in the information center and accessible during the transfer process.
Error Conditions: Database not accessible.
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Displays information explaining how the WebSphere Portal Express configuration program should be invoked.
Although this task can be explicitly invoked, it is typically invoked by default when the WPSconfig script file is executed with no targets specified. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh default
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat default
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root default
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Delegates all file conversion services to a remote machine
Call this optional task if you want all document conversions to be performed on a remote machine.
You will need to install the DCS web application on the remote server.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh delegate-all-conversions
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat delegate-all-conversions
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DcsRemoteHost The URL of the remote host that provides document conversion services.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: DCS services have been installed on the remote machine. (This is not a requirement for the configuration task itself but will be necessary before you can use document conversion services.)
Password considerations: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Delegates presentation file conversion services to a remote machine.
Call this optional task if you want presentation document conversions (such as Microsoft PowerPoint to WebSphere Portal Express Presentation and vice versa) to be performed on a remote machine.
You will need to install the DCS web application on the remote server.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh delegate-presentation-conversions
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat delegate-presentation-conversions
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DcsRemoteHost The URL of the remote host that provides document conversion services.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: DCS services have been installed on the remote machine. (This is not a requirement for the configuration task itself but will be necessary before you can use document conversion services.)
Password considerations: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Delegates spreadsheet file conversion services to a remote machine
Call this optional task if you want spreadsheet document conversions (such as MS
Excel to WebSphere Portal Express Spreadsheet and vice versa) to be performed on a remote machine.
You will need to install the DCS web application on the remote server.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh delegate-spreadsheet-conversions
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat delegate-spreadsheet-conversions
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DcsRemoteHost The URL of the remote host that provides document conversion services.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: DCS services have been installed on the remote machine. (This is not a requirement for the configuration task itself but will be necessary before you can use document conversion services.)
Password considerations: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Delegates text file conversion services to a remote machine
Call this optional task if you want text document conversions (such as MS Word to WebSphere Portal Express Text and vice versa) to be performed on a remote machine.
You will need to install the DCS web application on the remote server.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh delegate-text-conversions
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat delegate-text-conversions
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DcsRemoteHost The URL of the remote host that provides document conversion services.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: DCS services have been installed on the remote machine. (This is not a requirement for the configuration task itself but will be necessary before you can use document conversion services.)
Password considerations: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Removes passwords from the WebSphere Portal Express configuration properties file.
Invoked to remove passwords from the wpconfig.properties file for security reasons. Passwords must be restored before running additional configuration tasks.
Passwords must also be restored to any backup properties files you have created.
For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh delete-passwords
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat delete-passwords
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root delete-passwords
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the WebSphere Portal Express product files are not found.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Disables a page as an extension node.
Invoked to delete an extension node.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh disable-page-as-extension-node -DPageUniqueName=value
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat disable-page-as-extension-node -DPageUniqueName=value
Inputs: This task takes the following input as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description PageUniqueName The unique name of the page to be affected.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Disables the parent page of the dynamically created task page instance.
Invoked to delete a task page container.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh disable-page-as-task-page-container -DPageUniqueName=value
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat disable-page-as-task-page-container -DPageUniqueName=value
Inputs: This task takes the following input as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description PageUniqueName The unique name of the page to be affected.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Disables global security on WAS and modifies WebSphere Portal Express to use basic portal-based authentication with the Member Manager database.
Completely drops the release, community, customization, feedback, LikeMinds, and JCR databasesThis task drops all databases and any tables.
This task is only applicable to DB2 UDB for Linux, Windows, and Linux.
For a remote DB2 for System i5 database, remove it by following the instructions found here.
Invoked to completely erase the DB2 database.
For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh drop-database-wps
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat drop-database-wps
- i5/OS For a local DB2 for System i5 wpsdb and JCR database:
- cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-wps
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Expressl uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description dbdomain.DbType The type of database used with WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database. dbdomain.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database dbdomain.DbSchema The WebSphere Portal Expressdbdomain database schema name dbdomain.DbUrl The database URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database with JDBC. dbdomain.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user. dbdomain.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Drelease.DbPassword=password
- -Dcustomization.DbPassword=password
- -Dcommunity.DbPassword=password
- -Djcr.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies:
- init
- action-drop-wps-db-mp
- action-drop-wps-db-iseries
Tasks invoked: None
Cleans the tables from the wpsdb database. This task drops the tables that are used to manage the configuration domains for the following four specific domains: release, customization, community and jcr. Run this task only if you want to drop all four of these domains. To drop the jcr tables that contain user data, refer to the drop-database-tables-domain-jcr task.
Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh drop-tables-database-wps
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat drop-tables-database-wps
- i5/OS:
- cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-tables-database-wps
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbType The type of database used with WebSphere Portal Express. DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. WpsDbName The name of the Wps database. WpsDbUrl The database URL used to access the wpsdb database with JDBC. WpsDbUser The database user. WpsDbPassword The database user password. DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. WpsInstallLocation The directory where WebSphere Portal Express is installed.
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description dbdomain.DbType The type of database used with WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database. dbdomain.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database dbdomain.DbUrl The database URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database with JDBC. dbdomain.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user. dbdomain.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Drelease.DbPassword=password
- -Dcustomization.DbPassword=password
- -Dcommunity.DbPassword=password
- -Djcr.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Cleans the tables from the release database.
Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh drop-database-tables-domain-release
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat drop-database-tables-domain-release
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-release
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description release.DbType The type of database used with the release database. release.DbName The name of the release database release.DbUrl The database URL used to access the release database with JDBC. release.DbUser The release database user. release.DbPassword The release database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Drelease.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Cleans the tables from the customization database.
Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh drop-database-tables-domain-customization
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat drop-database-tables-domain-customization
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-customization
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description customization.DbType The type of database used with the customization database. customization.DbName The name of the customization database customization.DbUrl The database URL used to access the customization database with JDBC. customization.DbUser The customization database user. customization.DbPassword The customization database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Dcustomization.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Cleans the tables from the community database.
Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh drop-database-tables-domain-community
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat drop-database-tables-domain-community
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-community
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description community.DbType The type of database used with the community database. community.DbName The name of the community database community.DbUrl The database URL used to access the community database with JDBC. community.DbUser The community database user. community.DbPassword The community database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Dcommunity.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Cleans the tables from the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database.
Some tables and views will remain in the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database even after this command is run. These are dynamically-created resources with names such as "ICMUTxxxxxxx" that will contain additional data about your WebSphere Portal Express content. It is safe to leave these tables in place as their presence will not interfere with any other activity; however, if you wish to completely clean out the database, you may drop all these tables and views using standard database tools.
Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh drop-database-tables-domain-jcr
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat drop-database-tables-domain-jcr
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-jcr
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description jcr.DbType The type of database used with the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database. jcr.DbName The name of the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database jcr.DbUrl The database URL used to access the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database with JDBC. jcr.DbUser TheDB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database user. jcr.DbPassword The DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Djcr.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Cleans the tables from the Member Manager database.
Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh drop-database-tables-domain-wmm
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat drop-database-tables-domain-wmm
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-wmm
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description wmm.DbType The type of database used with the Member Manager database. wmm.DbName The name of the Member Manager database wmm.DbUrl The database URL used to access the Member Manager database with JDBC. wmm.DbUser The Member Manager database user. wmm.DbPassword The Member Manager database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Dwmm.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Cleans the tables from the feedback database.
Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh drop-database-tables-domain-feedback
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat drop-database-tables-domain-feedback
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-feedback
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description feedback.DbType The type of database used with the feedback database. feedback.DbName The name of the feedback database feedback.DbUrl The database URL used to access the feedback database with JDBC. feedback.DbUser The feedback database user. feedback.DbPassword The feedback database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Dfeedback.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Cleans the tables from the LikeMinds database.
Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh drop-database-tables-domain-likeminds
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat drop-database-tables-domain-likeminds
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-domain-likeminds
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description likeminds.DbType The type of database used with the LikeMinds database. likeminds.DbName The name of the LikeMinds database likeminds.DbUrl The database URL used to access the LikeMinds database with JDBC. likeminds.DbUser The LikeMinds database user. likeminds.DbPassword The LikeMinds database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Dlikeminds.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Cleans all the tables from all the databases. In addition to the release, customization, community and jcr domains, this task also drops the wmm, feedback and likeminds domains.
Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh drop-database-tables-all
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat drop-database-tables-all
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-database-tables-all
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description DbType The type of database used with WebSphere Portal Express. DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. WpsDbName The name of the Wps database. WpsDbUrl The database URL used to access the wpsdb database with JDBC. WpsDbUser The database user. WpsDbPassword The database user password. DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. WpsInstallLocation The directory where WebSphere Portal Express is installed.
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description dbdomain.DbType The type of database used with WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database. dbdomain.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database dbdomain.DbUrl The database URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database with JDBC. dbdomain.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user. dbdomain.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Drelease.DbPassword=password
- -Dcustomization.DbPassword=password
- -Dcommunity.DbPassword=password
- -Djcr.DbPassword=password
- -Dwmm.DbPassword=password
- -Dfeedback.DbPassword=password
- -Dlikeminds.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Drops Member Manager database used with WebSphere Portal Express. This task drops the database and any tables.
This task is only applicable to DB2 UDB for Linux, Windows, and Linux.
For a remote Member Manager on System i5 database, remove it by following the instructions found here.
Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh drop-wmm-db
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat drop-wmm-db
- i5/OS For a local Member Manager on System i5 database :
- cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root drop-wmm-db
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtpye.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtpye.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file
Input Description wmm.DbType The type of database used with Member Manager database. wmm.DbName The name of the Member Manager database wmm.DbUrl The database URL used to access the Member Manager database with JDBC. wmm.DbUser The Member Manager database user. wmm.DbPassword The Member Manager database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The Member Manager database must be created before performing this task.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -Dwmm.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the Member Manager database does not exist or if communication with the database cannot be established.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Updates content repository properties on the file system of the machine.
Run on secondary nodes when securing a clustered environment.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh enable-jcr-security
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat enable-jcr-security
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description PortalAdminId The user ID of the WebSphere Portal Express administrator.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Security has been enabled on the primary node of the cluster.
Password considerations: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: action-check-jcr-files
Tasks invoked: None
Enables a page as an extension node.Invoked to create an extension node.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh enable-page-as-extension-node -DPageUniqueName=value
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat enable-page-as-extension-node -DPageUniqueName=value
Inputs: This task takes the following input as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description PageUniqueName The unique name of the page to be affected.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Enables the parent page of the dynamically created task page instance.
Invoked to create a task page container.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh enable-page-as-task-page-container -DPageUniqueName=value
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat enable-page-as-task-page-container -DPageUniqueName=value
Inputs: This task takes the following input as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description PageUniqueName The unique name of the page to be affected.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Configures WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0 and Member Manager databases for use with an LDAP directory and sets WAS security to use the LDAP directory. Use this task when configuring WebSphere Portal Express to use an LDAP directory or an LDAP directory + Lookaside database as the user registry.
If this is a cluster environment, stop all cluster members before enabling security using the enable-security-ldap task.
Configures WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0 and Member Manager databases for use with a database directory and sets WAS security to use the database directory.
If this is a cluster environment, stop all cluster members before enabling security using the enable-security-wmmur-db task.
Configures WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0 and Member Manager databases for use with an LDAP directory and sets WAS security to use the LDAP directory. This also configures your LDAP to allow multiple virtual portals. Refer to Multiple virtual portals for more information about virtual portals.
If this is a cluster environment, stop all cluster members before enabling security using the enable-security-wmmur-ldap task.
Configures security on the IBM WAS Network Deployment deployment manager machine when setting up a cluster. This task configures security to use either a database user registry or LDAP user registry with realm support, depending on the security used by the primary node.
Creates the Feedback database.
Invoked to create the Feedback database for use with the specified database type. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh feedback-database
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat feedback-database
- i5/OS:
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root feedback-database
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description feedback.DbType The type of database used with WebSphere Portal Express Feedback database. feedback.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express Feedback database. feedback.DbUrl The database URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express Feedback database with JDBC. feedback.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express Feedback database user. feedback.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express Feedback database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Database client available.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
The main initialization task that prepares the configuration environment for other tasks, including preprocessing of some files.It is the prerequisite for other tasks and not commonly run by itself.
It can be used to copy files from...
/qibm/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config/templates...to the work folder...
/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/portexp6/PortalServer/config/workFor example...
wpsconfig.sh -profileName wp_profile initRunning the init task might be required for the Portal v6.0.1.1 upgrade.
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task.
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: action-set-time-property, action-init-zos, action-set-conntype-property action-validate-was-instance init-cfg-files
Configures multiple properties related to Lotus Collaborative Components including:Domino Directory, Lotus QuickPlace, Lotus Sametime, and IBM Tivoli® Directory Server.
i5/OS Description: Configures multiple properties related to Lotus Collaborative Components including: Domino Directory, Lotus QuickPlace, and Lotus Sametime.
Invoked to configure multiple Lotus Collaborative Components properties. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh lcc-configure-all
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat lcc-configure-all
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root lcc-configure-all
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Domino Directory, Lotus QuickPlace, Lotus Sametime, and IBM Tivoli Directory Server.
i5/OS Assumptions/Prerequisites: Domino Directory, Lotus QuickPlace, and Lotus Sametime.
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the Lotus Collaborative Components property file has not been updated with new values.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: lcc-configure-quickplace, lcc-configure-sametime, lcc-configure-dominodirectory, lcc-configure-discoveryserver
Configures IBM Lotus® QuickPlace® for use with Lotus Collaborative Components.
Invoked to configure IBM Lotus QuickPlace for use with Lotus Collaborative Components. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh lcc-configure-quickplace
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat lcc-configure-quickplace
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root lcc-configure-quickplace
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: IBM Lotus QuickPlace
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the Lotus Collaborative Components property file has not been updated with new values.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Configures IBM Lotus Sametime® for use with Lotus Collaborative Components.
Invoked to configure IBM Lotus Sametime for use with Lotus Collaborative Components. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh lcc-configure-sametime
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat lcc-configure-sametime
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root lcc-configure-sametime
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: IBM Lotus Sametime
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the Lotus Collaborative Components property file has not been updated with new values.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Configures IBM Tivoli Directory Server for use with Lotus Collaborative Components.
Invoked to configure IBM Tivoli Directory Server for use with Lotus Collaborative Components. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh lcc-configure-discoveryserver
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat lcc-configure-discoveryserver
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: IBM Tivoli Directory Server
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the Lotus Collaborative Components property file has not been updated with new values.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Configures Lotus Domino Directory for use with Lotus Collaborative Components.
Invoked to configure Lotus Domino Directory for use with Lotus Collaborative Components.
For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh lcc-configure-dominodirectory
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat lcc-configure-dominodirectory
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root lcc-configure-dominodirectory
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Lotus Domino Directory
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the Lotus Collaborative Components property file has not been updated with new values.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Updates WAS configuration files associated with WebSphere Portal Express to have appropriate path information. This task is run to change the context root for WebSphere_Portal server. For more information, see Changing the portal URI.
This task populates the FEEDBACK.CALENDAR and FEEDBACK.TIMEOFDAY tables.
Invoked to populate these tables for customized reports and logging. Enter the following command appropriate for your environment:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh populate-feedback-caltod
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat populate-feedback-caltod
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The database must be installed locally. Feedback tables must already be created.
Error Conditions: The database is not installed.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Deploys the portlets included with WebSphere Portal Express (defined in the SetupPortal.xml file) using the XML configuration interface.
Do not run this task on an empty portal.
Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh portlets
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat portlets
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root portlets
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The WebSphere Portal Express enterprise application must be deployed before this task is performed.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPortalAdminPwd=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: action-deploy-portlets
Deploys only the administrative portlets included with WebSphere Portal Express using the XML configuration interface.
Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh portlets-admin
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat portlets-admin
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root portlets-admin
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The WebSphere Portal Express enterprise application must be deployed before this task is performed.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPortalAdminPwd=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: action-deploy-portlets-admin
Updates the configuration of the deployment manager after adding a node to a cell managed by the deployment manager.
Ends delegation of all file conversion services to a remote machine
Call this optional task if you want to discontinue the delegation of file conversion services to a remote machine. This will cause all future conversions to be performed on the local host.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh remove-conversion-delegation
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat remove-conversion-delegation
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Removes the WebSphere Portal Express enterprise application from WAS and performs any necessary WAS-related cleanup for the WebSphere Portal Express application.
Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file.
For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh remove-was-cfg
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat remove-was-cfg
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root remove-was-cfg
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: WAS must be running before this task is performed.
Error Conditions: This task will fail if WAS is not running.
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: action-remove-datasource-wps, action-remove-datasource-wmm, action-remove-jdbcprovider-wps, action-remove-ear-wps, action-remove-ear-wmm, action-remove-appserver-wps, action-remove-shared-library.
Creates datasources in WAS for use by the Feedback function.
Call in conjunction with feedback-database to configure Feedback for use with the WebSphere Portal Express Server.
For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh setup-feedback
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat setup-feedback
- i5/OS:
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root setup-feedback
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description CellName The WAS cell to which the WAS belongs. NodeName The node within the WAS cell to which the WAS belongs. ServerName The name of the application server where the WebSphere Portal Express enterprise application is deployed. This value must be unique among other application server names in the same cell. WasUserid The user ID for WAS security authentication. WasPassword The password for WAS security authentication.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
Performs configuration of the WebSphere Portal Express Productivity Components.
Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh setup-productivity-components
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat setup-productivity-components
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root setup-productivity-components
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: WebSphere Portal Express must be installed or deployed.
Error Conditions: This task will fail if WebSphere Portal Express files are not found.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Enables and configures Transcoding Technology functionality inWebSphere Portal Express.
Invoke this configuration task to enable and configure Transcoding Technology functionality.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh configure-transcoding
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat configure-transcoding
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root configure-transcoding
Inputs: None
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The WebSphere Portal Express enterprise application must be installed and deployed before this task is performed.
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the WebSphere Portal Express product files are not found.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Disables and removes configuration of Transcoding Technology functionality in WebSphere Portal Express.
Invoke this configuration task to disable and remove Transcoding Technology functionality.
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh remove-transcoding
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat remove-transcoding
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root remove-transcoding
Inputs: None
- The WebSphere Portal Express enterprise application must be installed and deployed before this task is performed.
- The configure-transcoding task has been previously run to enable Transcoding Technology functionality.
Error Conditions: This task will fail if the WebSphere Portal Express product files are not found.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Removes the database tables for the Web Content Management component of WebSphere Portal Express from the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database.
Invoked to erase the database tables. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh remove-wcm-persistence-tables
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat remove-wcm-persistence-tables
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root remove-wcm-persistence-tables
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description WpsInstallLocation The directory where WebSphere Portal Express is installed.
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description jcr.DbType The type of database used with DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database. jcr.DbName The name of the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database jcr.DbUrl The database URL used to access the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database with JDBC. jcr.DbUser The DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database user. jcr.DbPassword The DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: None
Password considerations: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: init
Tasks invoked: None
Starts the WAS administrative server.
Invoked to start the WAS administrative server. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh start-admin-server
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat start-admin-server
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root start-admin-server
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description WasAdminServer The WAS. WasHome The WAS install directory. WasUserid The user ID for WAS security authentication. WasPassword The password for WAS security authentication.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Starts the WAS server.
Invoked to start the WAS server.
For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh start-portal-server
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat start-portal-server
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root start-portal-server
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description ServerName The name of the application server where the WebSphere Portal Express enterprise application is deployed. This value must be unique among other application server names in the same cell. WasHome The WAS install directory. WasUserid The user ID for WAS security authentication WasPassword The password for WAS security authentication.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Stops the WAS administrative server.
Invoked to stop the WAS administrative server. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh stop-admin-server
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat stop-admin-server
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root stop-admin-server
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description WasAdminServer The WAS. WasHome The WAS install directory. WasUserid The user ID for WAS security authentication WasPassword The password for WAS security authentication.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Stops the WAS server.
Invoked to stop the WAS server.
For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh stop-portal-server
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat stop-portal-server
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root stop-portal-server
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description ServerName The name of the application server where the WebSphere Portal Express enterprise application is deployed. This value must be unique among other application server names in the same cell. WasHome The WAS install directory. WasUserid The user ID for WAS security authentication WasPassword The password for WAS security authentication.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DWasPassword=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Configures the HTTP proxy used by Content Access Service.
Invoked to configure an HTTP proxy for Content Access Service. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh update-contentaccessservice-proxy
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat update-contentaccessservice-proxy
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root update-contentaccessservice-proxy
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description ContentAccessServiceProxyHost The fully-qualified hostname of the proxy server that WebSphere Portal Express should use, if your security configuration includes a proxy server. ContentAccessServiceProxyPort The port number used to access the proxy server identified by the ContentAccessServiceProxyHost property.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: For specific assumptions and prerequisites, refer to the individual tasks that are invoked by this task.
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Checks the connection to the Feedback database.
Invoked to validate the existence of and access rights to the Feedback database. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh validate-database-connection-feedback
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat validate-database-connection-feedback
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root validate-database-connection-feedback
This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file.
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The classname of the JDBC driver. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file.
Input Description feedback.DbType The type of database. feedback.DbUrl The JDBC URL to the database. feedback.DbUser The database user. feedback.DbPassword The database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The database must exist and the database client must be available.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -Dfeedback.Password=password
Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Checks the connection to the DB2® Content Manager Runtime Edition database.
Invoked to validate the existence of and access rights to the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database.
For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh validate-database-connection-jcr
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat validate-database-connection-jcr
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root validate-database-connection-jcr
This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file.
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The classname of the JDBC driver. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file.
Input Description jcr.DbType The type of database. jcr.DbUrl The JDBC URL to the database. jcr.DbUser The database user. jcr.DbPassword The database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The database must exist and the database client must be available.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -Djcr.Password=password
Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Checks the connection to the LikeMinds database.
Invoked to validate the existence of and access rights to the LikeMinds database. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh validate-database-connection-likeminds
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat validate-database-connection-likeminds
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root validate-database-connection-likeminds
This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file.
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The classname of the JDBC driver. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file.
Input Description likeminds.DbType The type of database. likeminds.DbUrl The JDBC URL to the database. likeminds.DbUser The database user. likeminds.DbPassword The database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The database must exist and the database client must be available.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -Dlikeminds.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Checks the connection to the WMM database.
Invoked to validate the existence of and access rights to the WMM database. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh validate-database-connection-wmm
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat validate-database-connection-wmm
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root validate-database-connection-wmm
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description wmm.DbType The type of database used with Member Manager database. wmm.DbUrl The database URL used to access the Member Manager database with JDBC. wmm.DbUser The Member Manager database user. wmm.DbPassword The Member Manager database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The database must exist and the database client must be available.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -Dwmm.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Checks the connection to the WPS database.
Invoked to validate the existence of and access rights to the WPS database. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh validate-database-connection-wps
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat validate-database-connection-wps
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root validate-database-connection-wps
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in thewpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located.
And the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Input Description dbdomain.DbType The type of database used withWebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database. dbdomain.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database. dbdomain.DbSchema The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database schema name. dbdomain.DbUrl The database URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database with JDBC. dbdomain.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user. dbdomain.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The database must exist and the database client must be available.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Drelease.DbPassword=password
- -Dcustomization.DbPassword=password
- -Dcommunity.DbPassword=password
- -Djcr.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Checks the availability of the JDBC driver class.
Invoked to validate the existence of and access rights to the JDBC driver archive. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh validate-database-driver
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat validate-database-driver
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root validate-database-driver
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:
Input Description dbtype.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases. dbtype.DbLibrary The fully qualified directory path name where the classes for the JDBC provider are located. And the following inputs as defined in thewpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:
Although this task only verifies the database driver, these properties must also be set.
Input Description dbdomain.DbType The type of database used withWebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database. dbdomain.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database. dbdomain.DbSchema The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database schema name. dbdomain.DbUrl The database URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database with JDBC. dbdomain.DbUser The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user. dbdomain.DbPassword The WebSphere Portal Express dbdomain database user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The database client must be available.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing
- -Drelease.DbPassword=password
- -Dcustomization.DbPassword=password
- -Dcommunity.DbPassword=password
- -Djcr.DbPassword=password
Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Checks the connection to WebSphere Portal Express using HTTP.
Invoked to determine if WebSphere Portal Express is running.
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs are validated unless otherwise specified.
Input Description WpsHostName The fully qualified URL to WebSphere Portal Express. WpsHostPort The port used to connect to WebSphere Portal Express. WpsContextRoot The base URI in the WebSphere Portal Express URL ("wps" by default). WpsDefaultHome The final element in the WebSphere Portal Express URL ("portal" by default).
Assumptions/Prerequisites: WebSphere Portal Express must be installed and running, and the correct information must be in the properties files.
Error Conditions: The task will fail if the WebSphere Portal Express application server is not running, there is a port conflict with another application, or the URL cannot be resolved (DNS error, for example).
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Checks the connection to the LDAP server and checks other LDAP properties in config file.
Should be run before attempting to configure or modify the LDAP configuration. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh validate-ldap
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat validate-ldap
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root validate-ldap
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs except filtersettings are validated.
Input Description WasUserid The user ID for WAS security authentication. WasPassword The password for WAS security authentication. PortalAdminId The user ID of the WebSphere Portal Express administrator. PortalAdminPwd The password of the WebSphere Portal Express administrator. PortalAdminGroupId The group ID for the group to which the WebSphere Portal Express administrator belongs. LDAPHostName The fully qualified hostname of the LDAP server. LDAPPort The server port of the LDAP directory. LDAPAdminUId The user id to be used to authenticate with the directory. LDAPAdminPwd The password for the user LDAPServerId. LDAPBindID The user ID for LDAP Bind authentication. LDAPBindPassword The password for LDAP Bind authentication. LDAPUserFilter The filter used by WAS for finding users in the LDAP. LDAPGroupFilter The filter used by WAS for finding groups in the LDAP. LDAPSuffix The LDAP Suffix. Choose a value appropriate for your LDAP server. LDAPUserSuffix The DN suffix attribute name for user entries. Choose a value appropriate for your LDAP server. LDAPGroupSuffix The DN suffix attribute name for group entries. Choose a value appropriate for your LDAP server.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The directory must be available and access must be permitted.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DLDAPAdminPwd=password
Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid or there are insufficient directory privileges.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: action-validate-ldap-connection, action-validate-ldap-suffix, action-validate-ldap-was-admin-user, action-validate-ldap-portal-admin-user, action-validate-ldap-portal-admin-group, action-validate-ldap-bind-user, action-validate-wmm-system-id, action-validate-ldap-container-user, action-validate-ldap-container-group, action-validate-filter-user, action-validate-filter-group
Checks the connection to the LDAP server and checks other LDAP properties in config file.
Should be run before attempting to configure or modify the LDAP configuration. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh validate-wmmur-ldap
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat validate-wmmur-ldap
- i5/OS:
- cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root validate-wmmur-ldap
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs are validated unless otherwise specified.
Input Description WasUserid The user ID for WAS security authentication. WasPassword The password for WAS security authentication. PortalAdminId The user ID of the WebSphere Portal Express administrator. PortalAdminPwd The password of the WebSphere Portal Express administrator. PortalAdminGroupId The group ID for the group to which the WebSphere Portal Express administrator belongs. LDAPHostName The fully qualified hostname of the LDAP server. LDAPPort The server port of the LDAP directory. LDAPAdminUId The user id to be used to authenticate with the directory. LDAPAdminPwd The password for the user LDAPServerId. LDAPSuffix The LDAP Suffix. Choose a value appropriate for your LDAP server. LDAPUserSuffix The DN suffix attribute name for user entries. Choose a value appropriate for your LDAP server. LDAPGroupSuffix The DN suffix attribute name for group entries. Choose a value appropriate for your LDAP server.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: The directory must be available and access must be permitted.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DLDAPAdminPwd=password
Error Conditions: The task will fail if the information in the properties file is invalid or there are insufficient directory privileges.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: action-validate-ldap-connection, action-validate-ldap-suffix, action-validate-ldap-was-admin-user, action-validate-ldap-portal-admin-user, action-validate-ldap-portal-admin-group, action-validate-ldap-bind-user, action-validate-wmm-system-id, action-validate-ldap-container-user, action-validate-ldap-container-group, action-validate-filter-user, action-validate-filter-group
This is a good diagnostic tool for checking the following:
- Checks if the WebSphere Portal Express Administrator has administrator privileges.
- Checks that HTTP transport, as defined in the wpconfig.properties file, is working. The task uses HTTP to access WebSphere Portal Express, therefore if the task succeeds WebSphere Portal Express is running and the settings in the properties file match the running configuration.
- Checks if the application server for WebSphere Portal Express is running.
- Checks authentication settings, if configured, when trying to access WebSphere Portal Express.
Invoked to determine if the WebSphere Portal Express Administrator has administrator privileges. For example:
- Linux:
./WPSconfig.sh validate-wps-admin-login
- Windows:
WPSconfig.bat validate-wps-admin-login
- i5/OS:
cd /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/appserver/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root validate-wps-admin-login
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file. All inputs are validated unless otherwise specified.
Input Description WpsHostName The fully-qualified URL to WebSphere Portal Express. WpsHostPort The port used to connect to WebSphere Portal Express. WpsContextRoot The base URI in the WebSphere Portal Express URL ("wps" by default). PortalAdminPwd The WebSphere Portal Express admin user password.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: WebSphere Portal Express is installed and running and the correct information is in the properties files.
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPortalAdminPwd=password
Error Conditions: The task will fail if:
- WebSphere_Portal application server is not running.
- Web server is not properly configured or is not running.
- There is a port conflict with another application, such as another HTTP server or service running on your machine.
- The URL cannot be resolved (DNS error, for example).
- The user does not exist.
- The user does not have administration privileges.
- The password is incorrect.
- Authentication is not configured properly.
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: None
Disables and unconfigures the user provisioning function to Tivoli Access Manager from WebSphere Portal Express
Typically run when removing the user provisioning function to Tivoli Access Manager
Inputs: This task requires no inputs from the wpconfig.properties file
Password considerations: None
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: startserver, stopserver, and conditionally action-disable-jaas-temp and action-enable-jaas-temp
Enables and configures WebSphere Portal Express to use Computer Associates eTrust SiteMinder as an external authorization engine
Typically run when initially configuring WebSphere Portal Express to work with eTrust SiteMinder
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description EACserverName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACappname must also be set.
reorderRoles This field will allow you to either have your externalized role names displayed with the resource type first, or the role types first. EACcellName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACserverName and EACappname must also be set.
EACappName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACservername must also be set.
SMDomain eTrust SiteMinder Domain containing all externalized resources. SMScheme eTrust SiteMinder Authentication scheme object name to use when creating realms. SMAgent The agent created to allow communication between WebSphere Portal Express and eTrust SiteMinder. SMAgentPw Password for eTrust SiteMinder agent (SMAgent). SMAdminId The administrative user ID that eTrust SiteMinder will use to access the eTrust SiteMinder policy server. SMAdminPw Password for eTrust SiteMinder administrative user (SMAdminId). SMUserDir eTrust SiteMinder User Directory object referencing the LDAP server used for users and groups. SMFailover Failover mode of eTrust SiteMinder Policy Server. Must be set to true if more than one policy server is listed in the SMServers property.
SMServers Comma-delimited list of servers for eTrust SiteMinder agent.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: WAS and WebSphere Portal Express security has been enabled, eTrust SiteMinder SDK has been installed and added to the WAS and WebSphere Portal Express classpaths
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing any combination of -DSMAgentPw=password -DSMAdminPw=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: is-security-enabled, validate-smsdk-available
Tasks invoked: action-create-sm-jaas, action-esm-sm-update-callbackheaderslist, action-esm-sm-update-services, action-esm-sm-update-externalaccesscontrolservice, action-esm-update-static-files
Enables every WebSphere Portal Express integration point with eTrust SiteMinder, including single signon (using a WAS TAI) and authorization
used to enable TAI and authorization to eTrust SiteMinder
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description EACserverName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACappname must also be set.
reorderRoles This field will allow you to either have your externalized role names displayed with the resource type first, or the role types first. EACcellName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish portal role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACserverName and EACappname must also be set.
EACappName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACservername must also be set.
SMConfigFile Location of the eTrust SiteMinder TAI WebAgent.conf file. SMDomain eTrust SiteMinder Domain containing all externalized resources. SMScheme eTrust SiteMinder Authentication scheme object name to use when creating realms. SMAgent The agent name that is created on eTrust SiteMinder for a specific external security manager instance. SMAgentPw Password for eTrust SiteMinder agent (SMAgent). SMAdminId The administrative user ID that eTrust SiteMinder will use to access the eTrust SiteMinder policy server. SMAdminPw Password for eTrust SiteMinder administrative user (SMAdminId). SMUserDir eTrust SiteMinder User Directory object referencing the LDAP server used for users and groups. SMFailover Failover mode of eTrust SiteMinder Policy Server. Must be set to true if more than one policy server is listed in the SMServers property.
SMServers Comma-delimited list of servers for eTrust SiteMinder agent.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: WAS and WebSphere Portal Express security have been enabled, eTrust SiteMinder TAI and SDK installed and available to WebSphere Portal Express
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing any combination of -DSMAgentPw=password -DSMAdminPw=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: is-security-enabled
Tasks invoked: enable-sm-tai,enable-sm-authorization
enables and configures WAS with the eTrust SiteMinder TAI
use to enable only single signon with eTrust SiteMinder
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description SMConfigFile Location of the eTrust SiteMinder TAI WebAgent.conf file.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: WAS and WebSphere Portal Express security enabled, eTrust SiteMinder TAI installed to WAS directory structure
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: validate-smtai-available
Tasks invoked: action-create-sm-tai
enables every WebSphere Portal Express integration point with Tivoli Access Manager, including single signon (through the WAS TAI), WebSphere Portal Express authorization, and the credential vault
use to enable the TAI, authorization, and credential vault to Tivoli Access Manager
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description EACserverName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACappname must also be set.
reorderRoles This field will allow you to either have your externalized role names displayed with the resource type first, or the role types first. JunctionType The type of junction to be created in TAM. Accepted values are tcp and ssl. EACcellName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACserverName and EACappname must also be set.
PDAdminId The user ID for the administrative TAM user. This user should have the access to create new TAM servers, new Tivoli protected objectspaces, and new Tivoli protected objects. JunctionPoint The WebSEAL junction point to the WebSphere Portal Express in use. EACappName (Optional) Namespace context information to distinguish externalized role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACservername must also be set.
PDPermPath The location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. WebSealInstance The WebSEAL instance used to create the junction. TAICreds The headers inserted by WebSEAL that the TAI uses to identify the request as originating from WebSEAL. WebSealUser (for tcp junctions) The reverse proxy identity used when you create a TCP junction. WebSealHost Optional parameter that sets the hostnames parameter of the WebSEAL TAI. BaUserName (for ssl junctions) The reverse proxy identity used when you create an SSL junction. WebSealPort Optional parameter that sets the ports parameter of WebSEAL TAI. BaPassword (for ssl junctions) When you create an SSL junction, you can provide a password to the identity representing the reverse proxy on every request. PDRoot Root objectspace entry in the TAM namespace. PDAction Custom Action created by the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plug-in. The combination of the action group and the action determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized roles. PDActionGroup Custom Action group created by the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plug-in. The combination of the action group and the action determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized roles. PDCreateAcl Setting to determine whether WebSphere Portal Express can automatically create and attach a TAM ACL when roles are externalized. vaultType New vault type identifier representing the Tivoli GSO lockbox vault. vaultProperties Defines a properties file to be used to configure the vault with TAM specific user and SSL connection information. manageResources Determines if the credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to create new resource objects in TAM. readOnly Determines if the credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to modify the secrets stored in TAM. WpsHostName (set to fully qualified hostname) The fully-qualified host name of the Web server that WAS is configured to use. WpsHostPort The port number used to access the host machine identified by the WpsHostName property. PDAdminPw The password for the administrative TAM user.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has been run, WAS and WebSphere Portal Express security has been enabled
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing any combination of -DBaPassword=password -DPDAdminPw=password
Error Conditions: Tivoli Access Manager username/password/url incorrect
Task dependencies: is-security-enabled
Tasks invoked: enable-tam-tai,enable-tam-authorization,action-esm-tam-update-vaultservice
enables and configures single signon using the WebSEAL TAI. This task also creates a TCP or SSL junction via Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE calls for WebSphere Portal Express access
use to enable external authentication to Tivoli Access Manager
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description PDAdminId The user ID for the administrative TAM user. JunctionPoint The WebSEAL junction point to the WebSphere Portal Express in use. JunctionType The type of junction to be created in TAM. Accepted values are tcp and ssl. PDAdminPw The password for the administrative TAM user. PDPermPath The location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. WebSealInstance The WebSEAL instance used to create the junction. TAICreds The headers inserted by WebSEAL that the TAI uses to identify the request as originating from WebSEAL. WebSealHost Optional parameter that sets the hostnames parameter of WebSEAL TAI. WebSealPort Optional parameter that sets the ports parameter of WebSEAL TAI. WpsHostName (set to fully qualified hostname) The fully-qualified host name of the Web server that WAS is configured to use. WpsHostPort The port number used to access the host machine identified by the WpsHostName property. WebSealUser (for tcp junctions) The reverse proxy identity used when you create a TCP junction. BaUserName (for ssl junctions) The reverse proxy identity used when you create an SSL junction. BaPassword (for ssl junctions) When you create an SSL junction, you can provide a password to the identity representing the reverse proxy on every request.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has been run, WAS and WebSphere Portal Express security has been enabled
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing any combination of -DPdAdminPw=password -DBaPassword=password
Error Conditions: Tivoli Access Manager username/password/url incorrect
Task dependencies: validate-pdadmin-connection
Tasks invoked: action-create-webseal-junction, action-create-webseal-tai
enables and configures WebSphere Portal Express to use Tivoli Access Manager as an external authorization engine
use to maintain WebSphere Portal Express access control information in Tivoli Access Manager
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description EACserverName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACappname must also be set.
reorderRoles This field will allow you to either have your externalized role names displayed with the resource type first, or the role types first. EACcellName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACserverName and EACappname must also be set.
PDAdminId The user ID for the administrative TAM user. EACappName (Optional) Namespace context information to further distinguish externalized role names from other role names in the Tivoli Access Manager namespace. If set, EACcellName and EACservername must also be set.
PDPermPath The location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. PDRoot Root objectspace entry in the TAM namespace. PDAction Custom Action created by the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plug-in. The combination of the action group and the action determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized roles. PDActionGroup Custom Action group created by the Tivoli Access Manager external authorization plug-in. The combination of the action group and the action determines the TAM permission string required to assign membership to externalized roles. PDCreateAcl Setting to determine whether WebSphere Portal Express can automatically create and attach a TAM ACL when roles are externalized.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has been run, WAS and WebSphere Portal Express security has been enabled
Error Conditions: incorrect Tivoli Access Manager username and password
Task dependencies: validate-pdadmin-connection
Tasks invoked: action-create-tam-jaas, action-esm-tam-update-callbackheaderslist, action-esm-tam-update-services, action-esm-tam-update-externalaccesscontrolservice, action-esm-update-static-files
enables user provisioning to Tivoli Access Manager.
used when a new LDAP user is created to immediately import and set the new LDAP user as a valid user in Tivoli Access Manager
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description PDAdminId The user ID for the administrative TAM user. This user should have the access to create new TAM servers, new Tivoli protected objectspaces, and new Tivoli protected objects. PDAdminPw The password for the administrative TAM user. PDPermPath The location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Portal/TAM integration for authentication is configured
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPDAdminPw=password
Error Conditions: None
Task dependencies: validate-pdadmin-connection
Tasks invoked: xmlaccess
runs the Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command to configure the SSL link between WAS, WebSphere Portal Express, and Tivoli Access Manager
to run the SvrSslCfg command
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description PDServerName Unique application name used to create a new Tivoli server in the Access Manager Policy Server. If a server with the same name appears in the server list command, the SvrSslCfg command will fail.
PDAdminId The user ID for the administrative TAM user. This user should have the access to create new TAM servers, new Tivoli protected objectspaces, and new Tivoli protected objects. PDAdminPw The password for the administrative TAM user. PDPermPath The location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file. SvrSslCfgPort Configuration port for the application name. SvrSslCfgMode Configuration mode of the SvrSslCfg command. PDPolicyServerList Defines a hostname, port, and priority combinations for your TAM Policy servers used when running SvrSslCfg. PDAuthzServerList Defines a hostname, port, and priority combination for your TAM authorization servers. PDKeyPath Stores encryption keys used for the SSL communication between AMJRTE and Tivoli Access Manager.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: AMJRTE has been installed and available to WAS
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPDAdminPw=password
Error Conditions: Tivoli Access Manager Policy or Authorization server not found, incorrect username or password for Tivoli Access Manager admin user
Task dependencies: validate-pdjrte-available
Tasks invoked: forks to call the com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.SvrSslCfg command
configures WebSphere Portal Express to use the AccessManager41VaultAdapter, writing Tivoli Access Manager rsrc and rsrccred objects to the GSO lockbox
use to maintain credentials in Tivoli Access Manager
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description PDAdminId The user ID for the administrative TAM user. vaultType New vault type identifier representing the Tivoli GSO lockbox vault. vaultProperties Defines a properties file to be used to configure the vault with TAM specific user and SSL connection information. PDAdminPw The password for the administrative TAM user. manageResources Determines if the credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to create new resource objects in TAM. readOnly Determines if the credential vault or any custom portlet is allowed to modify the secrets stored in TAM. PDPermPath The location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has been run, WAS and WebSphere Portal Express security has been enabled
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPDAdminPw=password
Error Conditions: Tivoli Access Manager username/password/url incorrect
Task dependencies: is-security-enabled, validate-pdadmin-connection
Tasks invoked: action-esm-tam-update-vaultservice
Verifies that the TAM AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has run and that WebSphere Portal Express has the necessary configuration parameters to communicate with Tivoli Access Manager.If the SvrSslCfg command has not run, see the run-svrssl-config task.
use to verify prerequisite component
Inputs: This task takes the following inputs as defined in the wpconfig.properties file:
Input Description PDAdminId The user ID for the administrative TAM user. PDAdminPw The password for the administrative TAM user. PDPermPath The location of the TAM AMJRTE properties file.
Assumptions/Prerequisites: Tivoli Access Manager AMJRTE SvrSslCfg command has been run, WAS and WebSphere Portal Express security has been enabled
Password considerations: Typically, this task will be invoked passing -DPDAdminPw=password
Error Conditions: Tivoli Access Manager username/password/url incorrect
Task dependencies: None
Tasks invoked: checkpdadmin task
Parent topic:
Configuration program
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