

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Backing up a profile on i5/OS

This topic provides instructions on backing up a IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express profile on IBM i5/OS using the savWpProfile.sh (Base profile) or savNdProfile.sh (Network Deployment profile) script. The instructions describe running the script manually from a QShell session. You can also schedule the script to run periodically as part of a comprehensive backup and recovery strategy. This topic includes examples of running the script from a QShell session, as well as scheduling a backup using the Add Job Schedule Entry (ADDJOBSCDE) command.

To back up a WebSphere Portal Express profile, you will need an i5/OS user profile with the following authorities:

Before saving a profile, make a note of the current WebSphere Portal Express administrator password. If the profile is later restored, you will need to supply the WebSphere Portal Express administrator password that was valid for the profile at the time it was saved.

This script does not save any remote database schemas associated with the profile. To save remote database schemas, run the savWpRmtDb.sh script in addition to savWpProfile.sh or savNdProfile.sh. For more information, see Backing up remote database schemas on i5/OS. To back up a profile on i5/OS, follow these steps:

  1. Start the QShell Interpreter by entering the following on an i5/OS command line:


  2. Change to the Workplace tools directory by entering the following:

    cd /QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6/Tools

  3. Enter the following command to back up your profile: Base profile (includes Base profiles federated into a cluster):

    savWpProfile.sh parameters


    Network Deployment profile:

    savNdProfile.sh parameters
    The command takes the following parameters as listed in the table, with these being required:

    • profile (-p)

    • either a media device or a save file library (-s)

    Additionally, specify the -f parameter to force all servers to stop if you have not already stopped them manually.

    Parameter names are case-sensitive.

    Parameter Description
    -help (-h)

    Displays help for the command

    -profileName (-p)

    The name of the profile being saved

    -mediaDevice (-m)

    Specifies a media device to save to

    -saveFileLib (-s)

    Specifies a library where save files are created to save the data. The library name must be 10 characters or less.

    -logDir (-l)

    Where to save log files for this command. If a log directory is not specified using this parameter, logs are created by default in /savRstWp60.

    -schemaList (-t)

    Specifies a list of schemas to save with the profile. By default, the command saves all Workplace schemas associated with the profile. If this parameter is used, the script will ONLY save the schemas listed.

    Schemas listed must be separated by commas, with no spaces in between.

    This script does not save any remote database schemas associated with the profile. To save remote database schemas, run the savRmtDb.sh script in addition to savWpProfile.sh. For more information, see Backing up remote database schemas on i5/OS.

    -noHttp (-n)

    Do not save external HTTP data

    -cancelRestart (-c)

    Cancel restart of Workplace servers. By default, all Workplace servers are restarted after the command is run.

    -forceDown (-f)

    Force the servers associated with the profile to stop. If you specify this parameter, the command will automatically stop WebSphere_Portal and the HTTP server for the profile.

    If you do not use this parameter, stop all servers associated with the profile manually before running the command. If any servers are running, the command will fail.

    -propFilePath (-r)

    The path to the savRstWp.properties file to be used for parameter input to this command. To use this parameter, first copy the file /QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6/Tools/savRstWp.properties to a new location in the Integrated File System (IFS) of the system on which you are backing up the profile, and then edit it to include the parameters you wish to use. Note that save the file with the name savRstWp.properties.

    -verify (-v)

    Verifies the command. If this parameter is used, the command outputs what would be done according to the parameters being used, without actually performing the backup.

  4. When the command is run, a message is displayed indicating the backup operations being performed. If you are using a remote database, this message includes information on the remote system and the remote database schemas being used. Note that the savWpProfile.sh script does NOT back up remote database schemas. You must run an additional script to back them up. Look for a message similar to the following to determine which remote system and remote database schemas are being used:

    Remote iSeries database server is being used.  List of libraries (schemas)             
    to save on myserver.myco.com:                                                 

    For information on backing up remote database schemas, see the topic Backing up remote database schemas on i5/OS.



If you are using remote database schemas with your Workplace profile, run an additional script to back them up. Proceed to the topic Backing up remote database schemas on i5/OS.


Parent topic:

Backup and restore on i5/OS