Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows
Products and components overview
This section describes products and components that could be used with IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express.
Not all products and components listed may be supported or included with the edition you purchased. Consult the product license for a list of supported products and for specific terms of entitlement for the products and components that are shipped with your edition of WebSphere Portal Express. Usage restrictions apply for some software.
- WebSphere Portal
- Member Manager
- Document Manager
- Portal Personalization
- Collaborative Services
- Domino and Extended Products Portlets
- IBM WebSphere Application Server products
- IBM HTTP Server
- IBM Tivoli Directory Server
- IBM DB2 Universal Database Express Edition
- IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory
- IBM Workplace Web Content Management
- Lotus Domino
- Lotus Sametime
- IBM Lotus QuickPlace
- IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator
WebSphere Portal
WebSphere Portal is a J2EE(TM) application that runs on WebSphere Application Server. Its main function is to serve the WebSphere Portal framework to the desktops and mobile devices of portal users. WebSphere Portal creates an environment that provides the connectivity, administration, and presentation services that are required. WebSphere Portal includes several new functions and enhancements that make it easier to design, administer, and use.
Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web.
- Product site: http://www.ibm.com/software/genservers/portalexpress/
- Documentation site: http://www.ibm.com/websphere/portal/library
- Support site: http://www.ibm.com/software/genservers/portalexpress/support/
Member Manager
Member Manager is the subcomponent responsible for accessing the user registries for user and group management and authentication. The user registries may be LDAP servers, a Custom User Registry, or the Member Manager database user registry.
Document Manager
Document management components allow users to have a central document repository for team collaboration. WebSphere Portal Express uses a lightweight, portable repository that is database independent. Documents created by Document Manager can be used by Web Content Management and can be the subject of business rules developed with Personalization.
Portal Personalization
Personalization includes two personalization technologies to dynamically tailor Web content to meet the needs of different users and groups. These technologies include rules-based filtering to display selected content to targeted users and matching techniques that extract visitor behavior and tailor the content within individual portlets based on that behavior. This technology creates a customized user experience for improved employee productivity and more effective consumer messaging.
To augment the personalization features, Personalization provides Attribute Based Administration and Visibility Rules. Attribute Based Administration provides a facility to customize the layout of a page for individual users by using rules to show or hide pages or portlets. This implementation tells the portal to show or hide pages and portlets based on dynamic characteristics that are determined at runtime. Visibility rules determine what a user will see, or what has been targeted towards a user. These can be used to further tailor content to targeted users by determining what pages and portlets are available.
Collaborative Services
Lotus® Collaborative Services are UI-neutral API methods and tag libraries that allow developers who are writing portlets for WebSphere Portal Express to add collaborative functionality to their portlets. Application developers who are using Collaborative Services can design and implement UI extensions that leverage the features of IBM Lotus Domino®, IBM Lotus QuickPlace®, and IBM Lotus Sametime®. The Collaborative Services also provide support for all collaborative portlets and features included with WebSphere Portal Express: Domino and Extended Products Portlets, the Common PIM portlets, and Sametime awareness.
Domino and Extended Products Portlets
The Domino and Extended Products Portlets provide a model for collaboration using portlet applications for Lotus Domino, Lotus QuickPlace, Lotus Sametime, Domino Document Manager (formerly Domino.Doc) and Lotus Workflow. The Domino and Extended Products Portlets offer a bridge between J2EE and open standards and Domino by providing the means to connect to your Domino infrastructure using a web browser and the WebSphere Portal Express server. The portlets are deployed during the installation of WebSphere Portal Express on the Domino Integration and Messaging pages, which include samples of the following portlets:
- Domino Document Manager
- Domino Web Access
- Sametime Contact List
- My Lotus QuickPlaces
- Lotus Web Conferencing
- Lotus Notes View
- Lotus Document Viewer
- Who Is Here
- Common Mail
- Common Calendar
In addition, the People Finder portlet is provided in a slide-out palette available on all portal pages.
IBM WebSphere Application Server products
WebSphere Application Server and IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
IBM WebSphere Application Server is a Web application server that provides J2EE services for the WebSphere Portal Express environment. It executes the Java portlets, JavaBeans, JavaServer(TM) Pages (JSP) files, and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) that are used by WebSphere Portal Express. In conjunction with WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, this component is the platform on which WebSphere Portal Express runs.
Usage restrictions apply. For example, IBM WebSphere Application Server can only be used in a single-server configuration and only certain subcomponents, such as the application server, HTTP, and others, are licensed for use. Consult the product license for additional details.
Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web.
- Product site: http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/
- Documentation site: http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/library/
- Support site: http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/
HTTP Server is a Web server that can be used as the foundation of any e-business application. New IBM e-business software, such as the WebSphere family of products, is designed to operate with many popular Web servers. You do not need to change Web servers to take advantage of the latest IBM Web application technology. IBM HTTP Server features include:
- Support for SSL secure connections
- Fast Response Cache Accelerator
- IBM support as part of the WebSphere bundle
- Hardware crypto support
- Administration Server that helps to administer and configure IHS servers
Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web site.
- Product site: http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/httpservers/
- Documentation: http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/httpservers/library.html
- Support site: http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/httpservers/support.html
IBM Tivoli Directory Server
IBM Tivoli® Directory Server is a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory that runs as a stand-alone daemon. In the WebSphere Portal Express environment, it stores, updates, and retrieves user-specific data that is related to authentication, such as user IDs and passwords.
Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web.
- Product site: http://www.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/directory-server/
- Documentation: http://www.ibm.com/software/tivoli/literature/
IBM DB2 Universal Database™ Express Edition
DB2 is the default database provided with WebSphere Portal Express to store configuration, access control, such as user identities, credentials, and permissions for accessing portal resources, and user data.
Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web.
- Product site: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/
- Documentation: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/pubs/
- Support site: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/support/
IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory
IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory provides a quick and easy way to build portlets. This Eclipse-based development tool speeds and simplifies portlet construction by making it easy to create complex portlets without coding.
Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web.
- Product site: WebSphere Portlet Factory
- Documentation: WebSphere Portlet Factory library
IBM Workplace Web Content Management™
You use Web Content Management to create and manage Web content for internet, intranet, extranet and portal sites. You also use Web Content Management to present Web content to users in a portlet or Web site, including content managed by Document Manager or generated by Personalization.
You create the design of Web pages separately from the content of Web pages allowing different users with different skills to work independently. The structure of your Web site, and the links between the pages in a site, are automatically generated by Web Content Management based on the profile of each content item. You use the access control and workflow features of Web Content Management to control the creation and approval process of Web content.
Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web.
- Product site: http://www.lotus.com/products/product5.nsf/wdocs/homepage
- Documentation: Workplace Web Content Management documentation
Lotus Domino
Lotus Domino and the IBM Lotus Notes client are examples of groupware software that provides messaging and collaboration features. Lotus Notes is the e-mail, calendaring, group scheduling, Web access, and information management client. Lotus Domino is the integrated messaging and Web application server.
Domino Directory can provide your primary corporate directory or the secondary LDAP service that complements another LDAP service (for example, Tivoli Directory Server, Microsoft® Active Directory, or Sun Java System Directory Server) in the portal environment. As a secondary LDAP service, Domino Directory provides user access to Notes-based information sources for Collaborative Services and collaborative portlets.
Usage restrictions apply. You are authorized to install and use Lotus Domino solely and exclusively in connection with your use of Lotus Sametime and Lotus QuickPlace. Consult the product license for details.
Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web.
Lotus Sametime
Instant messaging and online awareness (also known as people awareness), are available. Using Lotus Sametime, portal users can discover if others are available to chat, receive e-mail, share applications and other tools in an e-meeting or Web conference.
Usage restrictions apply. For example, the e-meeting capabilities of Lotus Sametime are not licensed for use. Consult the product license for details.
Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web.
- Web site: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/products/instantmessaging
- Support site: http://www.ibm.com/software/lotus/support/sametime/support.html
IBM Lotus QuickPlace
Using Lotus QuickPlace, portal users can work securely with colleagues, suppliers, partners, and customers. Lotus QuickPlace provides teams with collaborative spaces where they can reach consensus through discussions, collaborate on documents, and coordinate plans, tasks, and resources.
Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web.
- Web site: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/products/teamworkplace/
- Support site: http://www.ibm.com/software/lotus/support/
IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator
IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator synchronizes identity data residing in directories, databases, collaborative systems, applications used for human resources (HR), customer relationship management (CRM), and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and other corporate applications.
By serving as a flexible, synchronization layer between a company's identity structure and the application sources of identity data, Tivoli Directory Integrator eliminates the need for a centralized datastore. For those enterprises who do choose to deploy an enterprise directory solution, Tivoli Directory Integrator can help ease the process by connecting to the identity data from the various repositories throughout the organization.
With some built-in connectors, an open-architecture Java development environment to extend or modify these connectors and tools to apply logic to data as data is processed, Tivoli Directory Integrator can help you by:
- Synchronizing and exchanging information between applications or directory sources
- Managing data across a variety of repositories providing the consistent directory infrastructure needed for a wide variety of applications including security and provisioning
- Create the authoritative data spaces needed to expose only trustworthy data to advanced software applications such as Web services
Tivoli Directory Integrator is a component of the IBM identity management solution that can help you get users, systems and applications online and productive fast, reduce costs and maximize return on investment.
Additional information, downloads, support, and documentation are available on the Web.
- Product site: http://www.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/directory-integrator/
- Documentation: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v2r1/index.jsp?toc=/com.ibm.IBMDI.doc_6.1/toc.xml
Parent topic:
Product overview