Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows
Use Tivoli Access Manager with WebSphere Portal Express
IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express supports the use of IBM Tivoli® Access Manager for e-business. Existing Tivoli Access Manager users can leverage the commonly used Tivoli Access Manager services to assist them in their deployment.
You can leverage the following services:
- WebSEAL Single Signon (SSO) for authentication
- Protected Object Space and Access Control List Management for authorization
- Global Sign-on (GSO) lockbox credential vault integration
- Automatic user provisioning from WebSphere Portal Express self-registration to Tivoli Access Manager
If you use Tivoli Access Manager for authorization, also use it for authentication. Using Tivoli Access Manager to perform only authorization is not supported. Use the Configuring Tivoli Access Manager for authentication, authorization, and the Credential Vault procedure to configure Tivoli Access Manager for authentication, authorization, and the vault adapter together. Or you can use the following procedures to configure Tivoli Access Manager for authentication, authorization, and the Credential Vault separately:
- Configuring Tivoli Access Manager to perform authentication only
- Configuring Tivoli Access Manager to perform authorization
- Configuring the Credential Vault adapter for Tivoli Access Manager
When you are setting up security to use an external security manager in a WebSphere Portal Express cluster environment and across mixed nodes, there are additional considerations. For instance, it is recommended that you perform any configuration for an external security manager after you have completed all other setup tasks, including ensuring that the WebSphere Portal Express cluster is functional. Read the details about using an external security manager in a cluster here.
Additional information
- Removing Tivoli Access Manager from the WebSphere Portal Express environment
- Related IBM Redbooks are available from the IBM Redbooks Web site at http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/.
- Tivoli Access Manager documentation
- WebSphere Portal Express/Tivoli Access Manager Integration Guide
Related information
Related concepts
Using external security managers in a cluster