

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Create site framework items



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To create a site framework, you will need to create sites, site areas and content items.

You may receive timeout errors when saving sites or site areas that store large amounts of HTML or rich text in elements, or contain large numbers of elements. To rectify this you can:


Parent topic:

Creating a site framework


Creating sites

  1. Click New->Site.

  2. Enter identification information.

  3. To enable all items contained in this site to be searched by Portal Search, select Searchable.

    An administrator must create a search collection for your site before you can make a site searchable.

    1. Select a search service to use with this site.

    2. Select the search collection to use with this site.

    3. Enter a username and password with sufficient access rights to create search indexes. An administrator will need to edit this site form and enter this information if you do not have sufficient rights.

  4. To select the default content item to display when a link to this site is executed, click Select Default Content. This is optional. At least one content must exist within a site before a default content item can be selected.

    • Select a content item and then click OK.

    • Click None to clear any selected content items.

  5. To select the presentation template to use when displaying content items based on different authoring templates, click on Edit Template Mapping.

    • Click Add to create a new template map.

    • To edit an existing template map, select a template map from the index and then click Edit.

      • Edit the template map and then click OK.

    • To remove an existing template map, select a template map from the index and then click Remove.

    See Creating template maps for further information.

  6. Select a workflow if required. The workflow section is only visible if the workflow feature has been enabled for sites.

    When you create a draft of an existing site it will be locked for editing. This lock will prevent site areas being added, removed, or moved within that site until it is republished and the lock is removed.

  7. Add site specific elements as required by clicking Manage Elements.

  8. Set access properties.

  9. Save the site form.


Creating site areas

  1. Click New->Site Area.

  2. Select a site or site area to create the site area under.

  3. Select whether to add the new site area as the first or last child of a site or site area, or before or after the selected site area.

  4. Enter identification information.

  5. To select the default content item to display when a link to this site area is executed, click Select Default Content.

    • Select a content item and then click OK.

    • Click None to clear any selected content items.

  6. To select the presentation template to use when displaying content items based on different authoring templates, click on Edit Template Mapping.

    • Click Add to create a new template map.

    • To edit an existing template map, select a template map from the index and then click Edit.

      • Edit the template map and then click OK.

    • To remove an existing template map, select a template map from the index and then click Remove.

    See Creating template maps for further information.

  7. Select a workflow if required. The workflow section is only visible if the workflow feature has been enabled for site areas.

    When you create a draft of an existing site area it will be locked for editing. This lock will prevent site areas and content items being added, removed, or moved within that site area until it is republished and the lock is removed.

  8. Add site area specific elements as required by clicking Manage Elements.

  9. Set access properties.

  10. Save the site area form.