

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Substitution variables used with IWWCM



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IBM® Workplace Web Content Management uses several substitution variables defined in the configuration for IBM WebSphere® Application Server.

If you need to modify these variables, use the administrative console for the application server. If you are working with a managed cell or cluster, use the administrative console for the deployment manager when making changes.

Variable Description
WCM_CONTEXT_ROOT Context root for the enterprise application for WCM.

Example: wps/wcm

WCM_HOST Fully qualified host name of the machine running the portal.

Example: www.example.com

WCM_ILWWCM_HOME Directory where WCM is installed

Example: portal_server_root/wcm

WCM_PORT Port number used to access the portal.

Example: 10038

WCM_SCHEMA Database schema name of the JCR domain configured for use with IBM WebSphere Portal Express.

Example: jcr

WCM_SEARCHSEED_CONTEXT_ROOT Context root for the Search Seed portlet.

Example: wps/wcmsearchseed

WCM_WEB_APP_HOME Directory path where the ilwwcm.war file is located.

Example: was_profile_root/wp_profile/installedApps/node/wcm.ear/ilwwcm.war

WCM_WPS_CONTEXT_ROOT Context root or base URI for the portal. All URLs beginning with this path will be reserved for the portal.

Example: wps


WCM_WPS_DEFAULT_HOME Default portal page. This is the page for users who are not logged in.

Example: portal


WCM_WPS_PERSONALIZED_HOME Portal page for users who have already logged in to the portal. This page cannot be accessed by anonymous users.

Example: myportal



Parent topic:

Configure WCM