

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Federated content data source configuration

To use the federated content component, first configure your Web Content Management Server to link to a federated data source. Only one federated data source can be used per IBM® Workplace Web Content Management™ server.

To link to a federated data source, edit the following properties in the WCMConfigService.properties file.


defaultserveralias This is the alias name created when the federated data source's "II4C" client was created.
defaultusername This is the user name used to preview or view the federated data source.

The user name and password specified here must have appropriate access privileges to perform searches, select references, and view content.

When viewing a federated content component in a web page, or previewing a federated data source from within the federated content component form, the user name and password entered in the federated content component form are attempted first. If the federated reference cannot be accessed, the default user name and password specified in the WCMConfigService.properties file are used. If the federated reference still cannot be accessed, the current Web Content Management user's credentials are attempted.

If federated content cannot be accessed, a blank line will be inserted into rendered content in place of the federated content.

connectionstring The connection string used to access the federated data source, including the name of the schema used by the data source. For example: SCHEMA=ICMNLSDB.
defaultpassword This is the password of the user name used to preview or view the federated data source.
maxresultsreturned The maximum number of results returned by a search query can be set here. The default value is 100.
connectiontimeout This is a timeout value in seconds. This will force the cache to be cleared. The default value, if not specified, is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

IBM Content Manager or IBM Information Integrator configuration

When using IBM Content Manager or IBM Information Integrator for Content (II4C) with Web Content Management, Java 2 support must be enabled by running "usejdbc2.bat" or "usejdbc2.sh" as described in the IBM Content Manager or IBM Information Integrator documentation.

IBM Information Integrator for ContentTo use the federated content component:

  • IBM Information Integrator for Content 8.2 with Fix Pack 7 or greater must be installed on your federated data server.

  • IBM Information Integrator for Content libraries need to be added to the classpath of the IBM WebSphere® Application Server running Web Content Management. refer to IBM Information Integrator for Content documentation for the list of libraries.

    • The IBM Content Manager libraries will also be required in the classpath when incorporating content from IBM Content Manager into Web Content Management content.

    • Be sure to have run the DB2 and Information Integrator for Content environment variable scripts (usually db2profile and cmbenv81) in the user environment from which the WebSphere server running Web Content Management is started.


IBM Content Manager configuration

To enable the use of federated content from IBM Content Manager you will need to run the following command:

  1. Open a DB2 development window or command window:

  2. Issue a "connect" to your DB2 database. This is the database where Content Manager is installed. To issue a "connect" use the following command:

    db2 connect to database_name user user_name using password

  3. Then issue the following DB2 grant command:

    db2 grant update on table schema_name.faoptions to user icmconct

  4. Disconnect and close the DB2 development window.


Parent topic:

Configuring Web Content Management