

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Stage twelve: Adding a latest images list

In this stage, one additional Personalization component is used to display the latest images to be added to the image library.

  1. Edit the Personalization component named "DescendingByDate".

  2. Click Save as and name the new component "LatestImages"

  3. Enter the following in the Personalization component design fields:

    Option Description
    Results per page: 3

    <b>Latest images:</b>
    Design for each menu search result:

    <DocumentManagerElement context="autoFill" type="personalization" 
    attributeName="title" format="" scope="Attribute"/>
    <img  height="100"
    <DocumentManagerElement context="autoFill" type="personalization" 
    scope="DocumentURL" convertTo="text/html" />
    " />

    "DocumentManagerElement" tags are used to render different attributes of the images stored in the document library. See Referencing a Document Manager element for further information.



  4. Click Save and close.

  5. Edit the presentation template named "ImageLibrary_PT".

  6. Edit the following tags to reference the component named "LatestImages":

    Change this line: To this:

    <td valign="top" ></td>

    <td valign="top" >
    <Component name="LatestImages" />

  7. Click Save and close.


Next Stage: Final preview


Parent topic:

Integrated content example