

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Stage seven: Create a set of content items

These content items will be used to reference the Personalization components created in stage five.

  1. To create a new content item, click New->Content.

  2. Select the authoring template named "ImageLibrary_AT".

  3. Name the content item "ImagesAscendingByName".

  4. Go to the "Content" section of the form and click Select Component.

  5. Select the component named "AscendingByName" and click OK.

  6. Click Save and Close.

  7. Select the site area named "ImagesSiteArea" and click OK.

  8. Repeat these steps and create these additional content items:

    • Create a content item named "ImagesDescendingByName" and select the component named "DescendingByName".

    • Create a content item named "ImagesAscendingByDate" and select the component named "AscendingByDate".

    • Create a content item named "ImagesDescendingByDate" and select the component named "DescendingByDate".


Next Stage: Stage eight: Create two image components


Parent topic:

Integrated content example