

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Policies for resources

A policy is a collection of settings that influences the behavior of a portal resource and the experience that users will have when working with the resource. Policies are grouped according to the types of resources that apply the policies. For example, personal information applications can be managed by a Mail policy, a Calendar policy, and an Address Book policy. For each policy type, the main policy specifies the default settings for the resource as determined by the rule in force for the policy. You can refine the main policies that are provided for portal resources by creating child policies that inherit or override the policy settings of the parent policy. Thus, a main policy is the root of the policy hierarchy for a particular resource. As the top-level policy, a main policy has no parent policies, but it can have one or more levels of child policies. Child policies provide successive layers of specialization for managing the behavior of the resource with respect to user tasks.

The collection of policy settings for a particular portal resource is defined in an XML file. The policy definition contains one or more rules that describe the actions that will occur on a target user or object when specific conditions exist. The events or conditions that must be evaluated for the resource and the actions performed on the resource are expressed in the rules and presented in the policy settings. You can import and export the XML files that contain policy definitions and use the XML configuration interface utility to customize policy definitions.

Use the Resource Policies portlet to perform tasks on main policies:


Parent topic:

Managing portal resources with policies