wasprofile command


wasprofile command



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The wasprofile command line tool creates all Application Server run-time environments in Version 6. The command creates a profile, which is the set of files that define the run-time environment for...

The wasprofile command is also referred to as the profile creation tool. The profile creation tool is the only way to create run-time environments in V6.

The wasprofile command creates the run-time environment for a WebSphere Application Server process in a set of files called a profile. The profile defines the run-time environment and includes all of the files that the server processes in the run-time environment can change.


Core product files

The core product files are the shared product binaries, which are shared by all profiles. The directory structure for V6 has two major divisions of files in the installation root directory for the product:

Note: If you put a profile in an installation root directory (anything that starts with /QIBM/ProdData), there is a risk that the profile might be damaged or destroyed by routine system maintenance


WebSphere Application Server profile

The wasprofile command line tool defines each Application Server profile of a Version 6 product.

You must run the command line tool each time that you want to create a stand-alone Application Server.

You can run the profile creation tool to create a new Application Server environment on the same machine as an existing one. Simply define unique characteristics (such as profile name and node name) for the new profile. Each profile has its own administrative console and administrative
scripting interface.


Profile types

Templates for each profile are located in the install_root/profileTemplates directory.

Within this directory are various directories that correspond to different profile types and vary with the type of product installed. These are the paths that you indicate while using the wasprofile command with the -templatePath option. You can also specify profile templates that lie outside the installation root, if you happen to have any. If -templatePath is specified as a relative path, it is assumed that the specified template is in install_root/profileTemplates, where install_root is:

For example: -templatePath install_root/profileTemplates/default or -templatePath default

Templates included with WebSphere Application Server are listed here with a brief description. Unless a product designation is noted, the template exists in Express/Base/ND:

In WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Application Server Express, you can use the wasprofile command to create stand-alone application server profiles. The basic function of the Application Server is to serve applications to the Internet or to an intranet. Each stand-alone Application Server has its own administrative console application, which you use to manage the Application Server. You can also use the wsadmin
scripting facility to perform every function that is available in the administrative console application. The wasprofile command in the Network Deployment product can create the following types of profiles:

Deployment manager profile

The basic function of the deployment manager is to deploy applications to a cell of Application Servers, which it manages. Each Application Server that belongs to the cell is referred to as a managed node. Specify dmgr, or /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND/profileTemplates/dmgr for the -templatePath parameter if you want this type of profile. This is the default type of profile created if -templatePath is not specified.

Application Server profile

The basic function of the Application Server is to serve applications to the Internet or to an intranet.

An important product feature for the Network Deployment product is the ability to scale up a stand-alone Application Server profile by adding the Application Server node into a deployment manager cell. Multiple Application Server processes in a cell can deploy an application that is in demand. You can also remove an Application Server node from a cell to return the node to the status of a stand-alone Application Server.

Each stand-alone Application Server has its own administrative console application, which you use to manage the Application Server. You can also use the wsadmin
scripting facility to perform every function that is available in the administrative console application.

There is no node agent process for a stand-alone Application Server unless you decide to add the Application Server node to a deployment manager cell. Adding the Application Server to a cell is known as federation. Federation changes the stand-alone Application Server into a managed node. At that point, you use the administrative console of the deployment manager to manage the node. If you remove the node from the deployment manager cell, use the administrative console and the scripting interface of the stand-alone Application Server to manage the process. Specify one of the profile templates beginning with default (for example, defaultnosamp) or the full path to the template (for example, /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND/profileTemplates/defaultnosamp) for the -templatePath parameter if you want this type of profile. If you do not specify the -templatePath parameter, the default template is used.

Custom profile

The basic function of this profile that belongs to a deployment manager cell is to serve applications to the Internet or to an intranet under the management of the deployment manager.

The deployment manager changes a custom profile to a managed node by adding the node into the cell. This is also true when you add an Application Server into a cell. When either node is added to a cell, the node becomes a managed node. The nodeagent process is then instantiated on the managed node. The node agent acts on behalf of the deployment manager to control Application Server processes on the managed node. The node agent can start or stop Application Servers, for example.

A deployment manager can create multiple Application Servers on a managed node so long as the node agent process is running. Processes on the managed node can include cluster members that the deployment manager uses to balance the work load for heavily used applications.

Use the administrative console of the deployment manger to control all of the nodes that the deployment manager manages. You can also use the wsadmin scripting facility of the deployment manager to control any of the managed nodes. A custom profile does not have its own administrative console or scripting interface. You cannot manage the node directly with the wsadmin scripting facility. You must use the administrative interface of the deployment manager to manage a managed node.

A custom profile does not include default applications or a default server as the Application Server profile does. A custom profile is an empty node. Add the node to the deployment manager cell. Then you can use the administrative interface of the deployment manager to customize the managed node by creating clusters and Application Servers. Specify managed or /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND/profileTemplates/managed for the -templatePath parameter if you want this type of profile.


Installed file set

You decide where to install the files that define a profile. The default location is in the profile_root directory, where profile_root is:

You can change the location in a parameter when using the command line tool. For example, assume that you create two profiles on an iSeries with host name devhost1 in the Base product. The profile directories resemble the following example if you do not relocate them:

Here's an example of specifying a different directory, such as /home/QEJBSVR/profiles/myprofile, using the -profilePath parameter of the wasprofile tool:
wasprofile -profileName myprofile -profilePath /home/QEJBSVR/profiles/myprofile 
The following directories exist within a typical profile. This example assumes that a Base profile named devhost1Profile01 exists:

Note: Different profile types may include different subdirectories. This list is not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive.


Location of the wasprofile script

The script is located in the following directory:



The wasprofile command creates a log for every profile that it creates. The logs are in the profile_root/profileRegistry/logs/wasprofile directory. The files are named in this pattern: wasprofile_create_profile_name.log.

The command also creates a log for every profile that it deletes. The logs are in the profile_root/profileRegistry/logs/wasprofile directory. The files are named in this pattern: wasprofile_delete_profile_name.log.


Required disk space

An error can occur when you have not provided enough system temporary space to create a profile. Verify that you have a minimum of 40 MB of temp space available before creating a profile.

You must have 200 MB of available disk space in the directory where you create an Application Server profile.

For ND have 30 MB of available disk space in the directory where you create a deployment manager profile.

You must have 10 MB of available disk space in the directory where you create a custom profile.

During installation of the product, a profile is created named "default". In Network Deployment, another profile named "dmgr" is created, and is a deployment manager. The "default" profile in Network Deployment is a standalone Application Server. The "default" profile is initially set to be the default profile for scripts.


Using profiles

Most scripts support the -profileName parameter which enables the script to act on a profile other than the default one.


wasprofile command syntax

List existing profiles:
wasprofile -listProfiles 
Delete profiles:
wasprofile -delete 
                -profileName profile_name | -profilePath profile_path 
Create new profiles:
wasprofile -create 
              -profileName profile_name 
             [-profilePath fully_qualified_profile_path]
             [-templatePath template_path]
             [-nodeName node]
             [-cellName cell_name]
             [-hostName host_name]
             [-serverName server_name]
             [-dmgrHost host_name] 
             [-dmgrPort SOAP port] 
             [-startingPort starting_port | -portsFile filepath]
             [-exthttp http_server_port]
             [-validationlist os400_password_validation_list]
Get the name of an existing profile from its path:
wasprofile -getName 
                 -profilePath profile_path 
Get the path of an existing profile from its name:
wasprofile -getPath 
                 -profileName profile_name 
Check the integrity of the profile registry:
wasprofile -validateRegistry 
Check the integrity of the profile registry, removing profiles that are not found:
wasprofile -validateAndUpdateRegistry 
                 [-backup file_name] 



Supported arguments include:


Refreshes or augments the given profile using the template in the templatePath parameter.

-backup file_name

Backs up the profile registry file to the specified file.

-cellName cell_name

The cell name of the profile. For deployment manager profiles, the default is profilenameNetwork. For other profiles, the default is host_profilename.


Creates the profile.


Turns on the debug function of the Ant utility, which the wasprofile command uses.


Deletes the profile.

-dmgrHost host_name

Identifies the machine where the deployment manager is running. Specify this parameter and the dmgrPort parameter to federate a custom profile as it is created.

The host name can be the long or short DNS name or the IP address of the deployment manager machine.

Specifying this optional parameter directs the wasprofile command to attempt to federate the custom node into the deployment manager cell as it creates the custom profile. This parameter is ignored when creating a deployment manager profile or an Application Server profile.

Federating when the deployment manager is not available

If you federate a custom node when the deployment manager is not running or is not available because of security being enabled or for other reasons, the installation indicator in the logs is INSTCONFFAIL to indicate a complete failure. The resulting custom profile is unusable. You must remove the profile root directory before attempting to create another profile at the same directory.

If you have enabled
security or changed the default JMX connector type, you cannot federate with the wasprofile command. Use the addNode command instead.

-dmgrPort port_number

Identifies the SOAP port of the deployment manager. Specify this parameter and the dmgrHost parameter to federate a custom profile as it is created. The deployment manager must be running and accessible.

-exthttp http_server_port

The port of the HTTP server that will access this profile through the HTTP server plugin. The default value is 80.


Gets the name for a profile registered at a given file system path. Requires the -profilePath parameter.


Gets the file system location for a profile of a given name. Requires the -profileName parameter.

-hostName host_name

The host name where you are creating the profile. This defaults to the host name of the local machine.


If specified, makes the profile being created the default profile for scripts that take a -profileName parameter.


Lists all defined profiles.

-nodeName node

The node name for the node that is created with the new profile. Use a unique value within the cell or on the machine. Each profile that shares the same set of product binaries must have a unique node name. For deployment manager profiles, the default is profilenameManager. For other profiles, the default is host_profilename.


If specified, changes the password encoding algorithm from "XOR" to "OS400".

-portsFile file_path

An optional parameter that specifies the path to a file that defines port settings for the new profile. When you specify this parameter, include a file path. If you do not specify this parameter, the script uses the values from install_root/profileTemplates/profile_type/actions/portsUpdate/bin/portdef.props file.

Note: Do not use this parameter when using the startingPort parameter.

The format of the ports file is as follows. The default values for the default Base template are depicted:


-profileName profile_name

The name of the profile. Use a unique value when creating a profile. Each profile that shares the same set of product binaries must have a unique name.

-profilePath profile_path

The fully qualified path to the profile. The default is profile_root/profile_name.

-serverName server_name

The name of the initial application server. The default is the profile name.

-startingPort startingPort

The starting port number for generating all ports for the profile. If this parameter is not specified, the wasprofile command uses default ports specified in the serverindex.xml file.

-templatePath template_path

The path to the templates in the shared binaries. Can be a path relative to install_root/profileTemplates or a fully-qualified path name. The default value is "default" for Base and Express and "dmgr" for Network Deployment.


Checks all of the profiles that are listed in the profile registry to see if the profiles are present on the file system. Removes any missing profiles from the registry. Returns a list of the missing profiles that were deleted from the profile registry.


Checks all of the profiles that are listed in the profile registry to see if the profiles are present on the file system. Returns a list of missing profiles.

-validationlist os400_password_validation_list

The validation list that will be used if the password encoding algorithm is set to "OS400". The format should be /QSYS.LIB/library.LIB/validation_list_name.VLDL. The default value is /QSYS.LIB/QUSRSYS.LIB/EJSADMIN.VLDL.

Related tasks
Create a new profile